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The repository is dedicated to tracking the latest advances in the field of Physical-Adversarial-Attack (:smiling_imp:). The maintainer will continue to update it.

If you find any omitted literature, please feel free to submit issues for addition. Many thanks! (:heart:)

Table of Contents:


[2022/10/01] We have submitted our Physical-Adversarial-Attack survey on arXiv: Physical Adversarial Attack meets Computer Vision: A Decade Survey. (:laughing::clap:) We will continue to polish this work. (:muscle:)

Order by Task

🔈🔈🔈 Notice: Updated to 2022.11.12⏰

1. Attack to Classification

No. Method Title Paper Code Venue Year
1 Adversarial Patch Adversarial Patch link link NIPS 2017
2 RP2 Robust Physical-World Attacks on Deep Learning Visual Classification link link CVPR 2018
3 PAE Adversarial examples in the physical world link link AISS 2018
4 EOT Synthesizing robust adversarial examples link link PMLR 2018
5 ACS Adversarial camera stickers: A physical camera-based attack on deep learning systems link link PMLR 2019
6 PS-GAN Perceptual-sensitive gan for generating adversarial patches link --- AAAI 2019
7 Adversarial ACO Bias-based universal adversarial patch attack for automatic check-out link --- ECCV 2020
8 AdvCam Adversarial camouflage: Hiding physical-world attacks with natural styles link link CVPR 2020
9 PhysGAN Physgan: Generating physical-world-resilient adversarial examples for autonomous driving link --- CVPR 2020
10 Invisible Perturbations Invisible Perturbations: Physical Adversarial Examples Exploiting the Rolling Shutter Effect link link CVPR 2021
11 Adversarial ISP Adversarial imaging pipelines link --- CVPR 2021
12 Meta-Attack Meta-Attack: Class-agnostic and Model-agnostic Physical Adversarial Attack link --- ICCV 2021
13 OPAD Optical Adversarial Attack link --- ICCV 2021
14 AdvLB Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to DNNs in a Blink link link CVPR 2021
15 Adversarial Shadow Shadows can be Dangerous: Stealthy and Effective Physical-world Adversarial Attack by Natural Phenomenon link link CVPR 2022
16 AdvCF Adversarial Color Film: Effective Physical-World Attack to DNNs link --- Arxiv 2022

2. Attack to Detection

No. Method Title Paper Code Venue Year
1 CAMOU CAMOU: Learning physical vehicle camouflages to adversarially attack detectors in the wild link --- ICLR 2018
2 ShapeShifter ShapeShifter: Robust Physical Adversarial Attack on Faster R-CNN Object Detector link link ECML PKDD 2018
3 Disappearance Attack Physical Adversarial Examples for Object Detectors link --- USENIX Workshop 2018
4 Adversarial YOLO Fooling automated surveillance cameras: adversarial patches to attack person detection link link CVPRW 2019
5 ER Attack Physical adversarial attack on vehicle detector in the carla simulator link --- Arxiv 2020
6 Adversarial T-shirt Adversarial T-shirt! Evading Person Detectors in A Physical World link link ECCV 2020
7 UPC Universal Physical Camouflage Attacks on Object Detectors link link CVPR 2020
8 Adversarial Cloak Making an Invisibility Cloak: Real World Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors link link ECCV 2020
9 Translucent Patch The Translucent Patch: A Physical and Universal Attack on Object Detectors link --- CVPR 2021
10 TGBS Too Good to Be Safe: Tricking Lane Detection in Autonomous Driving with Crafted Perturbations link --- USENIX Security 2021
11 NAP Naturalistic Physical Adversarial Patch for Object Detectors link link ICCV 2021
12 LAP Legitimate Adversarial Patches: Evading Human Eyes and Detection Models in the Physical World link --- ACM MM 2021
13 SLAP SLAP: Improving Physical Adversarial Examples with Short-Lived Adversarial Perturbations link link USENIX SECURITY 2021
14 Adversarial Bulbs Fooling Thermal Infrared Pedestrian Detectors in Real World Using Small Bulbs link --- AAAI 2021
15 Poltergeist Poltergeist: Acoustic Adversarial Machine Learning against Cameras and Computer Vision link link IEEE SP 2021
16 FCA FCA: Learning a 3D Full-coverage Vehicle Camouflage for Multi-view Physical Adversarial Attack link link AAAI 2022
17 DTA DTA: Physical Camouflage Attacks using Differentiable Transformation Network link --- CVPR 2022
18 TC-EGA Adversarial Texture for Fooling Person Detectors in the Physical World link link CVPR 2022
19 Infrared Invisible Clothing Infrared Invisible Clothing: Hiding From Infrared Detectors at Multiple Angles in Real World link --- CVPR 2022
20 CAC Learning Coated Adversarial Camouflages for Object Detectors link --- IJCAI 2022
21 TPatch TPatch: A Triggered Physical Adversarial Patch link link USENIX Security 2023

3. Attack to Re-Identification

No. Method Title Paper Code Venue Year
1 AdvEyeglass Accessorize to a Crime: Real and Stealthy Attacks on State-of-the-Art Face Recognition link link ACM SIGSAC 2016
2 AdvPattern AdvPattern: physical-world attacks on deep person re-identification via adversarially transformable patterns link link ICCV 2019
3 OAP On Adversarial Patches: Real-World Attack on ArcFace-100 Face Recognition System link --- SIBIRCON 2019
4 ALPA Adversarial Light Projection Attacks on Face Recognition Systems: A Feasibility Study link --- CVPRW 2020
5 Advhat Advhat: Real-world adversarial attack on arcface face id system link link ICPR 2020
6 Adv-Makeup Adv-Makeup: A New Imperceptible and Transferable Attack on Face Recognition link link IJCAI 2021
7 PP Attack Simultaneously Optimizing Perturbations and Positions for Black-box Adversarial Patch Attacks link link TPAMI 2022

4. Other Tasks

No. Method Title Victim Task Paper Code Venue Year
1 Flow Attack Attacking Optical Flow Optical Flow Estimation link link ICCV 2019
2 SS Attack Evaluating the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving against Real-World Adversarial Patch Attacks Semantic Segmentation link link WACV 2022
3 PAP Harnessing Perceptual Adversarial Patches for Crowd Counting Crowd Counting link link ACM CCS 2022
4 MDE Patch Physical Attack on Monocular Depth Estimation with Optimal Adversarial Patches Depth Estimation link --- ECCV 2022
5 $\epsilon$-isometric Attack Isometric 3D Adversarial Examples in the Physical World 3D Point Cloud Recognition link --- NIPS 2022


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