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🐛 type: bug
:bug: type: bug
An issue or pull request relating to a bug in Quotable
💡 type: feature
:bulb: type: feature
An issue or pull request relating a new feature
Pull requests that update a dependency file
❔ type: question
:grey_question: type: question
✔️ status: confirmed
:heavy_check_mark: status: confirmed
A bug report has been confirmed
✔️ status: fixed
:heavy_check_mark: status: fixed
Indicates that a bug or issue has been been fixed
✔️ status: implemented
:heavy_check_mark: status: implemented
Indicates that a proposed feature or enhancement has been implemented
📝 type: content issue
:memo: type: content issue
Issues related to the API content: quotes, authors, etc.
📝 type: documentation
:memo: type: documentation
An issue or pull request for improving or updating Quotable's documentation
🙏 help wanted
:pray: help wanted
🚀 status: deployed
:rocket: status: deployed
Indicates that a change has been deployed to the production server (
💬 discussion
:speech_balloon: discussion
status: not enough information
status: not enough information
status: reported
status: reported
status: working on it
status: working on it
🎉 good first issue
:tada: good first issue
🧰 type: chore
:toolbox: type: chore
⚠️ API is down
:warning: API is down
⚠️ API is down 2
:warning: API is down 2
⚡ type: enhancement
:zap: type: enhancement
An issue or pull request that aims to improve an existing feature