This action runs Optic diff check on all Open API specs within the repo.
The base ref to compare against. Defaults to PR target or HEAD~1.
A glob to match specs (e.g. "**/*.yml" or "**/specifications/*.json"). Also takes comma separated values (e.g. "**/*.yml,**/*.json")
An ignore glob to ignore certain matches (e.g. "**/*.yml" or "**/specifications/*.json"). Also takes comma separated values (e.g. "**/*.yml,**/*.json")
Run comparison with a locally defined standard, if not set, looks for the standard on the [x-optic-standard] key in the spec and then the optic.yml file
GitHub token to access the repository: comments. Defaults to github.token
Post a comment on the PR with the results.
Verbose comments. Default false.
None of the inputs are required, OPTIC will try to find all Open API specs within the repo and check all files comparing with the PR target or HEAD~1.
uses: actions/optic-ci@main
uses: actions/optic-ci@main
compare-from: branch-to-compare
uses: actions/optic-ci@main
compare-to: pr-branch-name
compare-from: branch-to-compare
match: **/openapi.yaml # also worsk with json spec files
ignore: **/tests/openapi.yaml
standard: custom-standard-file.yml
github-token: ${ github.token }
post-to-pr: true
verbose: true
OPTIC relies on rulesets to customize the checks. Those rules are based on Spectral rulesets.
# optic.yml
# Prevent breaking changes.
- 'breaking-changes'
# Enforce naming conventions in your API.
- naming:
required_on: always
requestHeaders: Capital-Param-Case
responseHeaders: param-case
properties: Capital-Param-Case
pathComponents: param-case
queryParameters: snake_case
# Require your OpenAPI has examples, and that those examples match the schema.
- examples:
required_on: always
require_request_examples: true
require_response_examples: true
require_parameter_examples: true
# (Optional) allow certain operations do not need examples.
exclude_operations_with_extension: x-legacy-api
- documentation:
required_on: always
require_property_descriptions: true
require_operation_summary: true
require_operation_description: true
require_operation_id: true
# (Optional) allow certain operations do not need examples.
exclude_operations_with_extension: x-legacy-api
- spectral:
# Remote URLs and local paths are supported.
- ./spectral.yml
# spectra.yml
extends: ['spectral:oas', 'spectral:asyncapi', 'spectral:arazzo']
If you need only an Open API linter, use Spectral Action instead.