Helper to handle Ajax requests in WordPress.
- Handles security checks, like user capabilities and nonce verifications.
- Takes care of the communication with WordPress adding the required action hooks.
- Has front end support which enqueues scripts, localize and takes care of sending the ajax request.
- Handles data output with options to choose the format type (json, serialized array...)
To get it going you need to include the file that will build the final object:
require_once SOME_PATH . 'wp-ajax-requests/request.php';
Then you would create a new instance of WPAjaxRequest new WPAjaxRequest()
passing in some arguments.
For example:
$args = array(
'action' => 'my_action',
'callback' => 'my_callback',
'nonce' => 'my_nonce',
'capability' => 'manage_options',
'output' => 'Json',
new WPAjaxRequest( $args );
(All arguments explained bellow).
You would have to add your callback function. This can be a function or a method of a class, which you would pass in like: array('MyClass', 'my_method');
function my_callback( $data ) {
// do stuff
echo $data;
Now you can use the JavaScript helper to send the request.
For example, if you are going to send the request on submit a form you onlye need to instantiate a new WPAjaxRequest()
with some options,
then you would call it's method send()
passing the data to be sent as a parameter.
var request = new WPAjaxRequest({
action: 'my_action',
nonce: 'my_nonce'
myForm.on('submit', function(event){
var data = myForm.serialize();
request.send( data );
The arguments and it's defaults when calling new WPAjaxRequest( $args );
$defaults = array(
* Required. The action name to create the custom handler for the wordpress hook.
* wp_ajax_(action), wp_ajax_nonpriv_(action)
'action' => '',
* Callback function defined by the user to run if the request
* is valid and passes the security checks.
'callback' => '',
* Action name to create the nonce wp_create_nonce().
* Security checks will run against this name.
* If left as null, the nonce verification won't take place.
'nonce' => null,
* Security checks will run against this capability. For example: manage_options
'capability' => null,
* Data output format. Possible values Json, SerializedArra, XML.
'output' => 'Json',
* If set to false, the support for the front end will not be used.
* The user will need to enqueue scripts and send request manually.
'use_front' => true,
* Name used as a handle for the script in wp_enqueue_script()
'front_script_handle' => 'wpajaxrequest-script',
* You may replace the script responsible to send the request by changing
* the default path to your own script.
'front_script_src' => home_url( str_replace( ABSPATH, '', __DIR__ . '/js/wp-ajax-request.js') ),
* The name of the variable which will contain the data for wp_localize_script().
'localize_name' => 'wpar',
The options and it's defaults for the JavaScript object WPAjaxRequest()
* Required. The action name to create the custom handler for the wordpress hook.
* wp_ajax_(action), wp_ajax_nonpriv_(action)
action: '',
*Request type. Default POST
type: 'POST',
* Data type. Default json
dataType: 'json',
* URL to send the request. Default the WordPress admin ajax url.
url: ajaxurl,
* Action name to create the nonce wp_create_nonce().
* Security checks will run against this name.
* Same action name defined before. If not needed leave blank.
nonce: '',
* Callback function if success on sending the request.
success: this.success,
* Callback function if the request faild.
error: this.error