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John McCall edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the lowlydba.sqlserver wiki! This is very much under construction 🚧

Module spec Guidelines

  • If the options are unlikely to change and builtin to SQL Server itself, they should be hardcoded and documented as choices
    • i.e. Recovery models ("Simple", "Full", "Bulk") are essentially static
  • Otherwise, defer defaults & options to DBATools' builtin validation
    • Options that are DBATools specific may change and users can reference their documentation for up to date guidance.
    • Dbatools generally has very good parameter validation/error checking so it should be clear when things go wrong here.

Module Output Guidelines

  • Changed: Add a data dictionary to the results that resembles the raw output of the relevant DbaTools function(s) as closely as possible.
  • Unchanged: No data dictionary required, optional basic information (ComputerName, SqlInstance, object name, etc.)


  • Changed: If possible, add a data dictionary to the results that mocks the output from the non-check mode results. This may not always be possible.
  • Unchanged: No data dictionary required, optional basic information (ComputerName, SqlInstance, object name, etc.)
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