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Magazine Example

This is an open-source demo magazine for developers working with the Livingdocs service. By default it will run with mock data from the mocks folder. An online version can be found on

In order to run it locally with your own data, you will need to create an access token in Livingdocs and add it to conf/environments/local.js.

The design is written in scss and you find the sources in design/source/stylesheets. This is a good place to start making the magazine look like yours.

Before starting to develop make sure to check out our SDK:


Node v8.x.x

Getting Started

First of all

npm install

Running the demo magazine locally (dev mode with mocks)

Start the server:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm start

To automatically open the magazine in the browser run:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run start:open

Running the demo magazine locally (dev mode with backend data source, no mocks)

Open conf/environments/local.js and set your target data source, e.g. see client:

module.exports = {
  client: {
    url: '', // we take the production livingdocs service server here
    accessToken: 'your access token' // the access token to your magazine project
  imageServices: {
    imgix: {
      host: ''

Start the server:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run design:dev

To automatically open the magazine in the browser run:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run design:dev:open

Running the demo magazine for production (no dev helpers and watchers)

Build the design:

npm run design:build

Start the server:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run start:magazine

(or use your custom environment e.g. production, make sure to create a corresponding file under conf/environments, learn more about this on the "Deploy to" section)

To run the demo magazine with mocks in production mode:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run start:magazine -- --mocked

Deploy to

The deployment to serves as a sample deployment.

  1. Create an account on
  2. Add a file now.js to conf/environments with the following content:
/* eslint-disable max-len */

module.exports = {
  client: {
    url: '',
    accessToken: 'your access token'
  imageServices: {
    imgix: {
      host: ''

(make sure to replace 'your access token')

  1. From your command line at the root directory of this repository run rm -rf node_modules && npm install && now