This exporter can read articles from Livingdocs, transform this articles to WoodWing Digital Articles and export it to WoodWing.
The application can be run as express application or as serverless application on aws.
- Install the Serverless CLI
npm install -g serverless
- Set the environment variables in the config.yml
- Set the aws Key
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-key-here>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-key-here>
- Deploy the service
serverless deploy
- get the logs with
serverless logs -f exportDocument
Run serverless offline
and it will be started on localhost
Only the function link is working offline http://localhost:3002/2015-03-31/functions/exportDocument/invocations
- Set the Environment Variables
- Start the application with
node index
USE_WW_ASSETS: 'false' // use WoodWing Assets
The components from livingdocs have to be mapped to the WoodWing Article Components. The default mapping is done for the living-times design in livingdocs to the standard design in WoodWing Studio.
To change the mapping open the mappings.js file and there you can change the mapping.