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📁 My Personal Portfolio

Welcome to the repository for my personal portfolio! This project was created to showcase my skills and highlight the projects I've developed in the tech field. I used a variety of technologies to ensure a modern, responsive, and interactive interface.

🚀 Technologies Used

1. JavaScript 🟨

  • Description: Base programming language for web development.
  • Usage: Used to build the entire logic of the portfolio, from data management to user interaction.

2. Sass 🎨

  • Description: CSS extension that allows the use of variables, mixins, and other features.
  • Usage: Applied to create modular and organized styles, especially for complex UI components, ensuring a clean and scalable design.

3. PostCSS 🛠️

  • Description: CSS processor tool for optimizing and transforming styles.
  • Usage: Configured to apply automatic prefixes and other CSS optimizations, making the project more efficient and compatible across browsers.

4. Next.js ⚛️

  • Description: React framework that enables server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • Usage: Manages the project structure and page navigation, enhancing performance and SEO.

5. PNPM 📦

  • Description: A fast and efficient package manager.
  • Usage: Used to install and manage project dependencies, reducing storage space usage.

6. Resend 📧

  • Description: Service for programmatic email sending.
  • Usage: Implemented to allow visitors to send messages directly to my email from the site.

7. Tailwind CSS 💨

  • Description: Utility-first CSS framework that makes building responsive layouts easier.
  • Usage: Used to style the portfolio with utility classes, ensuring a consistent design across all screen sizes.

8. Framer Motion 🎞️

  • Description: Animation library for React, offering customizable and fluid animations.
  • Usage: Applied to create smooth animations for sections and components, enhancing the interactivity of the portfolio.

9. React Animated Numbers 🔢

  • Description: React component for animating numbers.
  • Usage: Used to animate counters and statistics, providing a dynamic visual effect when displaying my skills and experiences.

10. TSParticles 🎇

  • Description: Library for creating interactive particles as a page background.
  • Usage: Added animated particles to the background for a visually appealing touch.

11. Heroicons React 🔹

  • Description: Ready-to-use SVG icon set for React.
  • Usage: Utilized for icons in the navigation and other sections, improving both aesthetics and navigability.

12. React Type Animation ✍️

  • Description: React component for typewriter-like text animations.
  • Usage: Employed to create typing effects, especially in the introduction section, to highlight my skills and profession dynamically.

🛠️ How to Run the Project

To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd nextportfolio

3.Install dependencies using PNPM:

pnpm install

4.Start the development server:

pnpm run dev
  1. Open the portfolio in your browser: