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Kubernetes iSCSI-targetd provisioner helm chart

iSCSI-targetd provisioner is an out of tree provisioner for iSCSI storage for Kubernetes.


The provisioner uses the API provided by Open iSCSI targetd to create LVM volumes and export those over iSCSI storage from a remote server.

As prerequisites, an existing iSCSI server managed by targetd must be available. To setup one, you can check that dockerized targetd.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install \
	--name my-release \

Consult configuration to view the list of all available options.

Uninstalling the Chart

To prevent LVM volume to remain opened and locked on the server, all attached iSCSI volumes needs to be detached and deleted before uninstalling the chart:

$ kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims --all-namespaces
$ kubectl delete --namespace ns1 persistentvolumeclaims pvc-.......
$ kubectl delete --namespace ns1 persistentvolumeclaims pvc-.......

$ helm delete --purge my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Parameter Description Default
timezone Timezone (use for logging messages) America/Toronto
image.registry Docker image registry
image.repository Docker image name external_storage/iscsi-controller
image.tag Docker image tag v0.0.6
image.pullPolicy Docker image pull policy Always
labels.component Value for label iscsi
labels.partOf Value for label storage Name to use when registering provisioner iscsi-targetd
provisioner.logLevel Provisioner log level debug
targetd.scheme Scheme to use for the connection http
targetd.address HTTP host iscsi-target-server.local
targetd.port HTTP port 18700
targetd.username Targetd username admin
targetd.password Targetd password admin
targetd.poolName Targetd pool name vg-targetd
storageClass.enabled Create a storageClass attached to that provisioner false Name of the storageClass iscsi-targetd
storageClass.fsType Filesystem to use when formatting devices ext4
storageClass.readonly Readonly device false
storageClass.iscsi.ipAddress iSCSI target IP address
storageClass.iscsi.port iSCSI target port 3260
storageClass.iscsi.iqn iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)
storageClass.iscsi.initiators comma separated list of possible iSCSI initiators ``

Check values.yaml comments for all the possible configuration options.


This is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Please see LICENSE for the full license text.

Copyright 2019 Lionel Nicolas