Task: create sample signup form using this Figma file: https://www.figma.com/file/7CvCi6oBU5QfBZcQbnVhXV/DEVLOG-0.-Sample-Sign-in-Form?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=wdKYO76Ye15sLq8q-1
Stack: SolidStart, TailwindCSS
Codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/github/lilkurokokoro/devlog-0-signup/tree/main/
Layout (wip)
Form Programming
Mock Back-End
upd: finishing for now coz im tired (╥_╥)
its 6:30am
me af
see uuuuu
ill post the schedule soon ☆*。★ ゚*♪ ヾ(☆ ゝ з・)ノ
- Add Modular Forms (check 3:44 07.02.2024)
- Stylize the Form (check 3:44 07.02.2024)
- Deploy on Vercel (???) upd: codesandbox did better