pgrand is a Postgres extension in rust that helps to create random test data quickly. It provides an FDW and a table AM(in progress) that could generate random test data.
Install rust tool chain if needed:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Install pgrx:
cargo install --locked cargo-pgrx --version 0.11.3
Then install your favourate Postgres distribution as usual.
git clone
cd pgrand
cargo pgrx init --pg15=/path/to/pg15/pg_config
Please change the /path/to/pg15/pg_config
to the real path of pg_config on your host.
Once the pgrx init is done successfully, you can start it by:
cargo pgrx run -r
The pgrx will show a psql console and you create and play the extension
create extension pgrand;
To create an installable package, run
cargo pgrx package
-- create foreign data wrapper and foreign server'
create foreign data wrapper random handler random_fdw_handler;
create server random_server foreign data wrapper random;
-- set extension variable to control random output
set random.array_length = 10;
set random.min_text_length = 8;
set random.max_text_length = 20;
-- create foreign table with 20 rows
create foreign table hello (
c1 int2,
c2 int4,
c3 float,
c4 decimal(8,2),
a1 real[],
t1 text,
t2 char(2),
j1 json,
i1 inet,
p1 point,
b1 box
) server random_server options (total '20');
-- change total row number to 100
ALTER foreign table hello OPTIONS (set total '100');
-- create extension vector;
-- set random.array_length = 10;
create table test (id serial, data vector);
create foreign table foreign_vec(data real[]) server random_server;
insert into test(data) select data::vecotr(10) from foreign_vec;
Why pgrand?
- In-Database
- Very fast because of AVX
- Control random output through variable(length, range etc.)
- Support PG version: 15, 16 (more will be added later)
- Support most common datatype (text, number, array, geo, json, etc.)
Known limitition:
- The generated number is not evenly distributed.
- Doesn't support UDT(for example, PostGIS data type)
- Test, test, test
- Table AM besides FDW
- More data types if possible
- and others
- compared with generate_series
pgrand=# create foreign table test(c1 int) server random_server options(total '100000000');
pgrand=# \timing
Timing is on.
pgrand=# select avg(c1) from test;
(1 row)
Time: 6574.341 ms (00:06.574)
pgrand=# select avg(random()) from generate_series(1,100000000);
(1 row)
Time: 10285.914 ms (00:10.286)
- for 1,000,000 vector of 2048-dims
drop table if exists test;
drop foreign table if exists foreign_vec;
set random.array_length = 2048;
create table test (data vector);
create foreign table foreign_vec(data real[]) server random_server options(total '1000000');
pgrand=# insert into test(data) select data::vector(2048) from foreign_vec;
INSERT 0 1000000
Time: 62911.406 ms (01:02.911)