Further documentation about the projects is available here.
In order to build the project and run the unit tests, execute the following command from a terminal:
./mvnw install
The web-application is based on Spring-Boot, Thymeleaf, jQuery, jQuery Datatables and Bootstrap 4.
The target
folder holds all necessary dependencies and resources as a stand-alone, executable JAR file that can be run as follows (please replace <VERSION> with the correct one)
This will start the application with a default configuration, running on http port 8083. The application can then be accessed from your web browser at
If you want to run the web application as a docker container, you can build it as follows:
./mvnw -Pdocker install
This will build a Docker container for the webapplication and will make it locally available to be run by docker.
docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE lifs/lifs-goslin-webapp 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT 7347237b752e 16 seconds ago 274MB
To run the web application as a Docker container, type in the following (replacing <VERSION> with the current project version, i.e. the TAG version displayed by docker image ls
docker run -it --rm --name lifsgoslin -p 8080:8083 lifs/lifs-goslin-webapp:<VERSION>
You can then access the application from your browser at http://localhost:8080/goslin