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Lichess and Firefox Multi Account Containers

Thibault Duplessis edited this page Jun 13, 2023 · 15 revisions

Most Lila features outside of puzzles and play with computer require interaction between multiple users. Anything that facilitates switching between them is useful for developers.

Use Firefox's Multi-Account Container extension to have multiple active users logged in to a lila instance, all in their own tabs with their own session environments (cookies, local storage, etc), without using private browsing. More importantly, if you set up a few containers dedicated to specific users, you'll never have to log that user in again. Just select the user/container from the menu and let Firefox/cookie/lila handle the rest in a newly created tab.

This sample Multi-Account Container menu associates containers with spamdb users. The sessions in each container persist across tab closure and browser restarts - just like your default session:

Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 1 21 07 AM

To make the tabs reflect the username, go to the st.headTitle block in the head tag of the apply method in app/views/base/layout.scala and make it look like this:

            if ctx.blind then "lichess"
            else if netConfig.isProd then fullTitle | s"$title •"
            else // schlawg is a dirty, filthy boy

Don't check that in by mistake.

To further distinguish them, you can use --user-bg 400 option to create users with a random background image selected from data/image-links.txt