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What is this

Libspecinfra is a project to make the alternative of specinfra gem by Rust.

Specinfra gem is a base library of serverspec .

Specinfra gem is made of Ruby, so you cannot call the functions of specinfra from other languages.

Libspecinfra project will provide binary library and language bindings to call this library. So you will be able to call the functions of specinfra from many languages.

This project is in the phase of very beginning. If you have comments, questions and so on, feel free to post comments in GitHub Issues.

Here is the Japanese post about this project.

Language bindings

We provide only Ruby and mruby bindings currently.

Other languages will be supported.

Sample code

This is a sample mruby code to get the permission of /etc/passwd of local host:

b =
s =
f = s.file("/etc/passwd")

printf("%#o", f.mode)

This is a sample mruby code to get the permission of /etc/passwd via SSH:

b ="localhost")
s =
f = s.file("/etc/passwd")

printf("%#o", f.mode)

Other language examples are here .

Internal components(for developers)

Libspecinfra consists of some internal components. These components are:

  • Platforms
    • Platforms detects OS/distributions and returns suitable providers.
  • Backends
    • Currently two backends are supported.
    • Direct Backend: Run functions of libspecinfra on the target host directly.
    • SSH Backend: Run functions of libspecinfra on the target host via SSH.
  • Resources
    • Resources are abstraction layers of several resources.
    • File, package, servcice, user, group and so on.
    • Only file resource is supported currently.
  • Providers
    • Concrete implementations of resources.
    • Provider has two types: Inline providers and shell providers.
    • Inline providers are used with direct backend. It handles resources by rust code.
    • Inline providers also have concrete implementations. For example, posix provider of file resource for UNIX-like OS.
    • Shell providers are used with SSH backend and so on. It handles resources by shell command.
    • Shell providers also have concrete implementatiosn. For example, bsd provider of file resource for OS based on BSD.
    • If inline providers for some resources do not exist, direct backend uses shell providers instead of inline providers.

Support matrix

These are support matrix of platforms, backends, resources and providers.

Resources and inline providers

This matrix shows which resources support which type of inline providers.

Resources Inline Providers
File ✔️ Posix
Service ✔️ Systemd

Platforms and shell providers

Platforms File Service Package Port
macOS ✔️
Ubuntu ✔️ ✔️ (trusty and xenial) ✔️ (apt) ✔️ (netstat)
AIX ✖️
Alpine Linux ✖️
Amazon Linux ✖️
Arch Linux ✖️
CoreOS ✖️
Cumulus Linux ✖️
Debian Linux ✖️
elementary OS ✖️
EOS(Arista) ✖️
VMWare ESXi ✖️
Fedora ✖️
FreeBSD ✖️
Gentoo Linux ✖️
Linux MInt ✖️
NixOS ✖️
OpenBSD ✖️
openSUSE ✖️
Plamo Linux ✖️
Poky(Yokto) ✖️
Red Hat Linux ✔️ ✔️ (6 and 7) ✔️ (yum) ✔️ (netstat)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server ✖️
SmartOS ✖️
Solaris ✖️
SuSE Linux ✖️
Windows ✖️



This is a list of resources which should be implemented. These resources are picked up from Resource Types of Serverspec . So some resources are implemented in serverspec, not in specinfra.

  • bond
  • bridge
  • cgroup
  • command
  • cron
  • default gateway
  • docker container
  • docker image
  • file
  • group
  • host
  • iis app pool
  • iis website
  • interface
  • ip6tables
  • ipfilter
  • ipnat
  • iptables
  • kernel module
  • linux audit system
  • linux kernel parameter
  • lxc
  • mail alias
  • mysql config
  • package
  • php config
  • port
  • ppa
  • process
  • routing table
  • selinux
  • selinux module
  • service
  • user
  • x509_certificate
  • x509_private_key
  • windows_feature


This is a list of platforms should be implemented. Specinfra gem supports these platforms.

  • AIX
  • Alpine Linux
  • Amazon Linux
  • Arch Linux
  • CoreOS
  • Cumulus Linux
  • MacOS(Darwin)
  • Debian Linux
  • elementary OS
  • EOS(Arista)
  • VMWare ESXi
  • Fedora
  • FreeBSD
  • Gentoo Linux
  • Linux MInt
  • NixOS
  • OpenBSD
  • openSUSE
  • Plamo Linux
  • Poky(Yokto)
  • Redhat Linux
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  • SmartOS
  • Solaris
  • SuSE Linux
  • Ubuntu
  • Windows


This is a list of backends which should be implemented. Specinfra gem supports these backends.

  • CMD(Windows)
  • Docker
  • Exec
  • jexex
  • LXC
  • SSH
  • Telnet
  • WinRM


No description, website, or topics provided.







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