Added support for AT28C256 (32K) EEPROM for CONTROL ROM
Assember (C#, developed using VS2017 and .NET 4.6)
- Used to assemble "assembly" code to machine code.
- Supports several directives
- DB, DW, DD, EQU, .data, .code, ORG, PROC, ENDP, END
- Supports all instructions on physical machine (example included in Assember/bin/Debug folder named test1.asm
- Assember auto-injects setup code to initialze data segment, stack and code segment.
- Supports far and near calls.
- Other stuff too I am sure
- Added segment registers
- Added stack pointer
- Added C register (or was it there before, not sure)
- Expanded memory space from the 2k AT28C16 chip to a total of 64K, using EEPROM for lowest 2K, SRAM for upper 62k.
Working for 8 bit machine. Current configuration allows for:
- 1 x 2kB (11 addr lines) ROM to be programmed for machine code. Current HW configuration uses the top 3 address lines to select which program to execute, bottom 8 address lines are fed from program counter.
- 1 x 2KB ROM to be programmed for conditional logic circuit. Allows for conditional jump intructions (LS, LSE, EQ, GT, GTE, Zero, not Zero, carry, not carry)
- 2 x 2KB ROM to be programmed for Control ROM. Current configuration has a 7 stage ring counter, 8 bit ip.