Finder is a very advanced search platform for Joomla! 1.5
The goal is to migrate Finder to be Joomla! 1.7+ compatible for inclusion in a future release of the CMS.
There are two ways to get started using Finder:
- Click the Downloads button at the top of the page and download the newest posted package (listed by date)
- Clone the repo to your local system
- Run 'phing dev_head' to create an installable package based on the current repo
- If you've found issues or have feature requests, add them to the issue tracker @
- If you have code to contribute fixing any issues, fork the repo, make your changes, and issue a pull request
A list of known issues can be found on the Issues Tracker. Additionally, when running the CLI script, it appears that the port must be specified with your database host info in your site configuration.
Currently the indexer can not run on MySQLi. Please edit the libraries/joomla/database/mysqli/mysqli.php. Please edit the condition of the destructor to be is_resource rather than is_object.