The idea is to use Docker to facilitate sharing this project.
- Build a metabase data viz
- Build a PSQL db to persist local data
- Integrade PSQL db with pgadmin to have a friendly interface
git clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:(youruserhere)/Metabase-Psql-Docker.git
Enter at the cloned repository and create the .env file
[email protected]
Run it with docker compose
docker-compose up
1. Docker
2. environment variables
3. RDBMs
4. (opt) Some knowledge of docker is helpful
5. (opt) Some knowledge of data viz
If you don`t have it already, this is a must have for this to work.
Use this link to install and test it -> Read it carefully before begining
There is a way to check it the docker-compose script is working (not necessarily without running errors) and not building due to sintax errors
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml config
This is very useful when building container that are time consuming
First thing to do is to make you own .env file. This will be used to build the docker compose with the right configuration.
Therefore, in your root folder or ./ path create a .env file as shown below.
Create it using terminal nano for Linux kernel
Create it using a desired Graphical user interface (GUI)
Insert the .env following informations
[email protected]
After everything above, you can setup you own metabase, psql and pgadmin using the following command
docker-compose up --build -d
After building and runnin, check it using
docker ps
enter a browser and insert the following
(localhost:port given by PGADM_SERVER_PORT_IN)
Use the user and password defined by PGADM_EMAIL and PGADM_PSWD env variables
The entrance panel
Register the psql server you want to directly access the data
Enter the server name
define the host or ip and enter the db user. Use psql_db to define the host (this is the internal psql container DSN)
(localhost:port given by MB_PORT)
The admin user is created by the first access
Add a database (internal as shown below or else) Only admin can do this
This one is a little more complicated. This is because you will need to enter the docker psql_db and run psql command to enter it. You must use a terminal for this.
Get the container ID of the psql_db container:
docker exec -it [Container_ID] bash
exec -> execute a direct command in a container
-i -> have interactivity
-t -> with pseudo terminal
bash -> enter the bash or container terminal
After entering the container, execute the command to access the psql application giving the user you defined in PSQL_USER
psql -d postgres -U postgres -W
-d -> specifc database to enter (by standard, every psql starts with a postgres db)
-U -> User
-W -> ask for password
Free dataviz to build and share analytical dashboards
Relational DB useful for storing data as well as serve as building block for analytics or prototyping with SQL
Visual interface integrated with PSQL DB
Useful links for you own project