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I constructed a knowledge graph of stakeholders of Bavarian state ministries and used network analysis to calculate statistics. Furthermore time-series feature forecasting and topological link prediction was employed to analyze the evolution of the network.

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Knowledge Graph

In this Master thesis Project, a Knowledge Graph about stakeholder of Bavarian Ministries is constructed. Furthermore this work predicts future relations of stakeholders. Thus, the following steps are taken:

  1. Building of the webscraper (webscraper_sql):
  • Scraping of pages, their connected links and the underlying pages of all 12 ministries
  • textscraping of all websites including PDF files
  1. Data cleaning and named-entity-recognition with FLAIR NLP (ner_sql)
  • Cleaning of abbreviations and similar entities
  • Named entity recognition with FLAIR NLP to identify personal names and organisations
  • Counter to check the number of occurrence of names or organisations
  1. Construction, visualisation and analysis of the stakeholder network (neo4jgraph)
  • Loading the dataset into neo4j graph data using a Neo4J docker image
  • Visualisation of the graph with Neo4J Browser and Gephi
  • Network Analysis of clustering, degree and centralities
  1. Link prediction using Machine Learning techniques
  • Time-series forecasting of features
  • Topological link prediction method
  • Validation of both models using k-fold time-aware cross-validation
  • Combining both ML approaches to a hybrif approach
  • Prediction of future links

How to use the code

To replicate the code and its results, please follow these steps:

  • Use Python 3.11, some packages are not yet working in 3.12
  • Download all all packages from requirements.txt
  • To use the webscraper:
    • Configure all data you want to access in config.yml (especially a list of base addresses)
    • Check if you want to include PDF scraping and if you want to stop at a certain website click depth
    • Comment out code parts if you do not need these
    • run webscraper_sql/
  • To use the cleaning and named-entity-recognition:
    • Prerequisits: You need text data from the webscraper in sqllite format (csv does also work, but changes on the code are needed) and the org_count_list.csv. The database is called scraped_data.db, but is too large to post it on Github. You can find it in the Google drive directory here
    • Check that your data is structured like the sqllite 3 database of the webscraper
    • Download the model of FLAIR ner-german-large:
    • Run the ner_sql/
  • To import the data into the neo4j database and conduct statistical analysis:
    • Have the final data of named-entity-recognition as sqllite 3 database (Here: ner-data-sim.db) and the scraped_data.db
    • Pull the neo4j image from Docker
    • Configure the docker dompose file accordingly and run docker compose up
    • Now run the neo4jgraph/ file to load the sqldatabase to neo4j graph database
    • Run the last Neo4J queries in directly in Neo4jBrowser to change the visualisation of the graph
    • Run queries in stat_analysis directly in Neo4jBrowser to get the results
    • For final visualisation, import the neo4j data in Gephi and configure the view
  • To make the link predictions:
    • Firstly run to forecast the features. Configure which years should be calculated and the split you want to run in the config file.
    • Validate the time-series forecasting with and predict the features of 2025.
    • Run and configure the split you want to construct in the config file.
    • Validate the link prediction classifier on the validation split of the best performing model with
    • Validate and run the final hybrid link prediction using the script

Master thesis project

The knowledge graph project is a master thesis project and the aim is to make the data that is collected publicly accessible in the open bydata portal.

Steps taken and roadmap:

  • Build a webscraper from scratch (November)
  • Run webscraper in AWS Instance and receive a final dataset (December)
  • Clean up data before processing it further (December)
  • Perform successful named entity recognition (January)
  • Import final data in neo4j with stakeholders and relations (February 15th)
  • Make network analysis in neo4j (February)
  • Visualize the network and the analysis accordingly (March)
  • Build Machine Learning Model for link prediction (March)
  • Build a second time-series forecasting model (April)
  • Make final predictions with hybrid approach (April)
  • Final release end of April 2024
  • Host on open data plattform (hopefully in May)

Questions or suggestions:

Please contact Lena :)


I constructed a knowledge graph of stakeholders of Bavarian state ministries and used network analysis to calculate statistics. Furthermore time-series feature forecasting and topological link prediction was employed to analyze the evolution of the network.







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