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Deploy with Starkli

Initialize a signer and account if haven't. Otherwise check its correctness

starkli signer keystore new keys/key.json
export STARKNET_KEYSTORE="/workspaces/leetloot/keys/key.json"
starkli account oz init accounts/account.json
export STARKNET_ACCOUNT="/workspaces/leetloot/accounts/account.json"

Deploy the account if haven't

starkli account deploy accounts/account.json

Test and build the contract

scarb test && scarb build

Declare contract

starkli declare --account accounts/account.json --rpc <RPC_URL> --network goerli-1 ./target/dev/beasts_Beasts.sierra.json

Helpful Cairo string conversion

starkli to-cairo-string BEASTS

Deploy contract with argument resolution

starkli deploy --account accounts/account.json --rpc <RPC_URL> <CLASS_HASH> <OWNER_ADDRESS> <WHITELIST_ADDRESS> str:Beasts str:BEASTS

Get transaction

starkli transaction --rpc <RPC_URL> <TRANSACTION_HASH>


If you have a deployer account, double check its correctness

vi ~/.starknet_accounts/starknet_open_zeppelin_accounts.json
    "alpha-goerli": {
        "pusscode": {
            "private_key": "REDACTED",
            "public_key": "REDACTED",
            "salt": "REDACTED",
            "address": "REDACTED",
            "deployed": true

If not, create a new account and fund with Starknet Goerli, e.g., then deploy account

starknet new_account --account pusscode
starknet deploy_account --account=pusscode

Test and build the contract

scarb test && scarb build

Make sure to use the correct environments

export STARKNET_WALLET=starkware.starknet.wallets.open_zeppelin.OpenZeppelinAccount
export CAIRO_COMPILER_DIR=~/.cairo/target/release/
export CAIRO_COMPILER_ARGS=--add-pythonic-hints


export STARKNET_NETWORK=alpha-goerli


export STARKNET_NETWORK=alpha-mainnet

Declare contract

starknet declare --contract target/dev/beasts_Beasts.sierra.json --account pusscode

If compiling error happens, try building with a recent version manually in the home dir

cd ~/
git clone .cairo
cd .cairo/
git checkout tags/v2.1.1
cargo build --all --release

Declare again if failed earlier

cd /workspaces/leetloot
starknet declare --contract target/dev/beasts_Beasts.sierra.json --account pusscode

Deploy contract

starknet deploy --class_hash <CLASS_HASH> --max_fee 1000000000000000 --input <OWNER_ADDR> <WHITELIST_ADDR> 5504917669703282548 5495875148635393876 --account pusscode

Check transaction

starknet get_transaction --hash <TX_HASH>

Interact with contract

starknet call --function name --address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --account pusscode

starknet invoke --function whitelist --address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --account pusscode --max_fee 1000000000000000 --input <TO_ADDR>
starknet invoke --function mint --address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --account pusscode --max_fee 1000000000000000 --input <TO_ADDR> 1 1 1 13104


starkli deploy --account accounts/account.json --rpc <RPC_URL> 0xf2e9eeba1f26f1f47038efea728641ca402f5b3767947e9a03151357547bef 0x07862d11bf327959b7989cb158def3b8debf8948813150e43689485706f3db53 0x07862d11bf327959b7989cb158def3b8debf8948813150e43689485706f3db53 str:Beasts str:BEASTS