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Asymmetric cryptography

midenok edited this page Oct 21, 2014 · 16 revisions

SSH keys vs SSL X.509 certificates

Private key

Private key format is common for SSH and SSL. From here:

SSH private key is in fact the same as an SSL key. If the key was generated using ssh-keygen -t rsa then it is a 2048-bit RSA private key for SSL.

Generate private key with ssh-keygen:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -C "" -f privkey1.pem
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in privkey1.pem.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|  E .            |
| o o .           |
|. o +            |
|o. o .   o       |
|+.  . . S .      |
|+..    +   .     |
|.+ .  * + .      |
|  o  . * o       |
|        o        |

Note: it generates public key as well.

Generate private key with openssl:
$ openssl genrsa -out privkey2.pem 2048
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
How they look
     1  -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
     2  MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEA3+mVcuvSQPkiedXhoLUlRZSf3jE70Sy8uBldtThqaVa3ZIT8
     3  77kwrdpM2Lv2gh1yP2jLvxo7nHFAXdVyp5LHa9mY2doKS8bYv/ZPfN/jgFiLMLks
     4  mXGCfq0sEpXvETIKa98wqZ5r7kyWn4eUACwU6pIvtIYK6C2WIA8ReJ53kfJ9Aezc
     5  f0pXmBdRG+Btbt/GaTUfzmEs5+yXwJrs6jpyh370LknwZJRT6OKWpkUUkERTrKXp
     6  DE9xdXO0Izhk+L+OQ7RfdNfqnTLYkaQwXx4new87GglkC6Vm+ngRZzpwzb/w6O3f
     7  zK6XLx3E40Vsqd2p5ppyAFFSDaFpXgjiUDonyQIDAQABAoIBAQDWhu9e6b3J7mgv
     8  ntHLrYKGRb1dnoIXCOvO3s6/P8wEHMcckaXc7+tJxit2Q7AMPbYmNntvHu0aGA95
     9  V3XAQ4q5NAOURakzrNIiKRVDKSbI4wyIpAGtCenjAHuHWwtvyCff7jiralMyP0LY
    10  mYcdGx73FxSJuxtcE8EP+h/dFsasloKETF9nGogJ0i6PlQTfHl4JmO+SYfBkZM44
    11  Do6G14raiW9PTIH6cbp5kh8CXiJZqsgYN3Bz0kfNOUmmd4na/JCsR2x9DrGDt3oG
    12  nImjDs1PtcEe0AG9cRpnk4e5nWFnrpTVu6p/onrlo50TozItR7F0WbKuxdkS9IGA
    13  nkNZyJV5AoGBAPNiaZBcwASm9sceRuhU7JK2m4PU55h6CCaQamMpbvQ/bXJDJVN8
    14  6q9oCOV6fH8JiKWBrHDsYDtuEQk7C8pLmnRr2tNoQG2uobZnaQijsLdeAv8NBG76
    15  dStj9YR/XnpxtQK8KExBa8CnorVaKfQ9vebqsY5CEaZMIaMD61vEeTOvAoGBAOuE
    16  yb4RKgCZhqkEp53bWoTGUBYox3tFtj8NjCwWsuCJ8+7WwAzwdDy6Zmf4FvFTom+f
    17  ETYgwUe5tFP33bxeAc2OuQyyCwe6/OAfwCxO6xFRuCdSFrTnfiNmYE5G7JONGzp6
    18  863V+1s+9JqPGXkv2VjydFA/q2FBkfTsjHzRW6IHAoGBAJWksbFQRcPWgK7m/8QD
    19  yz1dx3qkIg2PIonLi44SwKSuhvWVMVMG4CkfNzEZQYi+bOUOON9phrWjtBfP1Sz5
    20  lSr10aLgW5TUpZtIM71bH+FujTsSXuJ5Xidim2dvBMEWPqxC0igopT7cE1+b42XH
    21  vIZJUQhduQpdjuTzGPfgcoEDAoGABFHRKW1DKfOm5p6xPFHznQ/OFDn3PqmOqCVl
    22  dsGL0lZ1ZOIHb7VRTHPWwP1p3k88YXO3axi6ssgTKJ8ZMAVBXzXI6xSw4xlo3et3
    23  KNjhstWe3QnCZNsCE0AjcAwY9rPV1gK/SWbtT0UeU19ghjp8cAcyXu5sBEKhnK5h
    24  /UARwC0CgYA10+LRGMJf4gWWjIm64niUWtQ3Zuo8pKGQVtqlOCDpISpQOngWnkgE
    25  r0QAWg98TSNaVBuYOdYjMHN8DUbeuWa7bIdDekmbCyaUU4xM9uWfz49cIKBw4jOZ
    26  sgAPYkLZTXnjWgYnjVKUMaA/UB4V9Y6HDqhsJu6fRFUyqX3vkDBT/g==
    27  -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
     1  -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
     2  MIIEowIBAAKCAQEA30TjV+EkmSnI/yx180J4sMdBDEBWkxeypsnaNV9UTQomb3xp
     3  VzVTWM5LjE7lAECeRuUUzFNLyP3VN5diFNjZUZGaLjDLhkLhJKjQ2vJCv3zek0co
     4  VFEkzOuXEnGDaSgXGMFnR51ABZlnC5K4x0wp8Jpysyg1DqjQ1ixLFao1IJD3U5d3
     5  hTJvyAop85xbE9KBZenLFL2m+m/yQtS7e3G5KtsdYgSpGFc5PHo1oik2Z6dLmkvK
     6  7bqja61x6Nv3Lgoaw36YxZLRiA9i97uwy3l6fIV0PN4vh7BDRWSXdb+ik/89JdMg
     7  eztpK9Dvnl8jPfkWBnBRuHULPPBornbTD7523QIDAQABAoIBAGkhG9eGaOBB36Xf
     8  vo5Tr1a2C/gD14AdeX61ryzQfXZlICIAt+1ba6p2QPaJM6VByAVj2r43PokelKY/
     9  fuyICxQwdiPnz/2hQjgr0WQ3DJzz5C3/JItHRgfDqvgBQTpjqTR75PDAp6O7Tt0R
    10  MjaNs3Xak8WuWgVUEjm204gZBDkXiGfOZZ2KAAjqCVgKpKwr1HV6L33t3cVRUBRb
    11  8xAFSOUCZQe+GSKgSAHytg0TfwyU2Jt5h0tV4hnYwRiuDos3OafvYUEUnPHgVMr9
    12  RmaTT//xnXEKXG6qeL3tMzH048m3EjtITgCJduuK4VXRelNONnnSJ0yHHLX8wfXh
    13  x31x1hUCgYEA8BI6NNN+EjKFX4B/xguPCdepx1PFHhGYWNJol6W7bdEcFfFwcE31
    14  +rGKW2XVR/PEyX3v+0CvV9fsRwwqAdGcrLCOskrbAiAZ2Hk8LED+OGtkDqBzWRC0
    15  3PD3mG73tP5r9RV+sPqnNsowRyF5+3zDsOWUi73ixGOEj+Zf6lLFuT8CgYEA7hVD
    16  9pBszR8rl57jgEtY9MlV7rK3N1f/M0EWG+u+KvHbBMzxfhRO/QEHqVNNfA2Qt+om
    17  vrQxkYNSYKX/66T3w3HXOh8/6Ss07HLALiQ2mOe6tVYjER/HBEUpd6eFBkrdUmn8
    18  gYwD0j3GWNNp3slkXh49drLRUIV442L5Y7zzzOMCgYAxTz0fXpVVfYUBga486mDd
    19  36siouUo8Oo+zDDpfQQLYVkIdMfoeUrdzBuj/D2bgslXrYNeMwIQ4+vHCAuUxg4N
    20  NlKI8nEbdaZ5XSVr3YmZ4wzxKCmpEJJlkyT37Ur5pQxdkaWtCj7QNSVHZuvcKNs0
    21  +WLSdRUfy2UN/X6T7Z5pFwKBgQCxTXjtmCTOpVXrdlJqarJ2qbGrL8CuIIRXATOb
    22  23YluTOoYY++mxUv6aJxAS6FIf0SWfg8sSjw+uFQRI9QR+yTyqXEDR2lYZ3qMJLa
    23  SfG28WvkO5+l0wp9LZxyFXlFdF9aTr/TIhh+a67Y26jOVyC9zrtrOEQVOTEL9dtP
    24  4ZmWjQKBgDuDxk9nhKY1GFwAaS5cCXLJ6gjvstAwGsYMipZrhUk5yqVpp1+5NsTv
    25  lpMTp1nEzpfnR/Q6oodCCn96CXm5WTnmVOSAfKtRmN/EbPTLccPQfIG8SoG1r5QD
    26  J8xymYVXDrkVOVt/2lE9yuEs3AV28Zw/0w4ZYKgheVWewWpfRIgQ
    27  -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Public key

Generate SSL certificate:
$ openssl rsa -in privkey2.pem -pubout -out
writing RSA key
How they look

Note: SSH public key is one-line entry for convenient addition to .ssh/authorized_keys.
     1  -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
     3  sMdBDEBWkxeypsnaNV9UTQomb3xpVzVTWM5LjE7lAECeRuUUzFNLyP3VN5diFNjZ
     4  UZGaLjDLhkLhJKjQ2vJCv3zek0coVFEkzOuXEnGDaSgXGMFnR51ABZlnC5K4x0wp
     5  8Jpysyg1DqjQ1ixLFao1IJD3U5d3hTJvyAop85xbE9KBZenLFL2m+m/yQtS7e3G5
     6  KtsdYgSpGFc5PHo1oik2Z6dLmkvK7bqja61x6Nv3Lgoaw36YxZLRiA9i97uwy3l6
     7  fIV0PN4vh7BDRWSXdb+ik/89JdMgeztpK9Dvnl8jPfkWBnBRuHULPPBornbTD752
     8  3QIDAQAB
     9  -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

OpenSSL commands

Generate self-signed certificate
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 11499 -nodes
  • Note: maximum value for -days: 11499 (-1 will not work)
Set prompt = no in /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf section [ req ]

Don't forget to replace following sections (see man req):

[ req_distinguished_name ]
O=Self-Signed by midenok

[ req_attributes ]
Show certificate info
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout

Background info

SSL and SSH both provide the cryptographic elements to build a tunnel for confidential data transport with checked integrity. For that part, they use similar techniques, and may suffer from the same kind of attacks, so they should provide similar security (i.e. good security) assuming they are both properly implemented. That both exist is a kind of NIH syndrome: the SSH developers should have reused SSL for the tunnel part (the SSL protocol is flexible enough to accommodate many variations, including not using certificates).

They differ on the things which are around the tunnel. SSL traditionally uses X.509 certificates for announcing server and client public keys; SSH has its own format. Also, SSH comes with a set of protocols for what goes inside the tunnel (multiplexing several transfers, performing password-based authentication within the tunnel, terminal management...) while there is no such thing in SSL, or, more accurately, when such things are used in SSL they are not considered to be part of SSL (for instance, when doing password-based HTTP authentication in a SSL tunnel, we say that it is part of "HTTPS", but it really works in a way similar to what happens with SSH).

Conceptually, you could take SSH and replace the tunnel part with the one from SSL. You could also take HTTPS and replace the SSL thing with SSH-with-data-transport and a hook to extract the server public key from its certificate. There is no scientific impossibility and, if done properly, security would remain the same. However, there is no widespread set of conventions or existing tools for that.

So we do not use SSL and SSH for the same things, but that's because of what tools historically came with the implementations of those protocols, not due to a security related difference. And whoever implements SSL or SSH would be well advised to look at what kind of attacks were tried on both protocols.
