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A minimal, cozy X11 tiling window manager written in C


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Moody is a very minimal and simple tiling window manager written in C. Moody's goal is to be minimal yet usable.


  • Windows management (moving, resizing)
  • Windows tiling
  • Windows gaps
  • Windows navigation
  • Multiple workspaces
  • Windows decoration
  • Keybindings
  • Startup commands
  • Configurations
  • Focus on hover
  • Bar


  • Bars are not supported (yet)
  • Coded by a 13 year old


  • libx11
  • xterm (default terminal)
  • rofi (default app launcher)
  1. Arch
sudo pacman -S libx11 libxrandr libxinerama libxcursor libxext libxt xorg-server-devel xterm rofi
  1. Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install -y libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxext-dev libxt-dev xorg-dev xterm
  1. Fedora/Red Hat
sudo dnf install -y libX11-devel libXrandr-devel libXinerama-devel libXcursor-devel libXext-devel libXt-devel xorg-x11-server-devel xterm


1. Clone this repo

git clone
cd moody
rm -rf .git

2. Install moody

make sure you're in the moody directory and run:

sudo make clean build install

3. Start moody


add this into your .xinitrc (no need to include startup commands)


display manager

After doing sudo make clean build install you should see moody as a session in your display manager


Moody is configured in pure C, although this may sound scary, the config file is super simple to understand. After configuring everything u need, just compile everything with sudo make build install and restart moody.


Startup commands

Startup commands are commands that launch when moody starts up, these could be commands to set a wallpaper, open a program and more.

To set startup commands, just put the commands in and moody will run on startup. Example:


nitrogen --restore

This will set your wallpaper (using nitrogen) and open up xterm on moody's startup


You can configure keybindings in the config.h file. There are 2 types of keybindings in moody, keybindings to run commands and keybindings to interact with moody.

Command keybindings

A command keybinding is a keybinding that executes a command when triggered, and this is how you would configure it.

static Keybinding keybindings[] = {
  { XK_Return, MODIFIER, "xterm", -1 },           // mod+return to open xterm (terminal)
  { XK_B, MODIFIER, "firefox", -1 },              // mod+b to open firefox
  { XK_space, MODIFIER, "rofi -show drun", -1 },  // mod+space to open rofi (app launcher)

  { XK_F12, MODIFIER, "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%" },   // mod+f12 to increase volume by 5%
  { XK_F11, MODIFIER, "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%" },   // mod+f11 to increase volume by 5%
  { XK_F10, MODIFIER, "pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle" },  // mod+f10 to mute

  // Workspace
  { XK_1, MODIFIER, NULL, 1 },                     // mod+1 to switch to workspace 1
  { XK_2, MODIFIER, NULL, 2 },                     // mod+2 to switch to workspace 2
  { XK_3, MODIFIER, NULL, 3 },                     // mod+3 to switch to workspace 3
  { XK_4, MODIFIER, NULL, 4 },                     // mod+4 to switch to workspace 4
  { XK_5, MODIFIER, NULL, 5 },                     // mod+5 to switch to workspace 5
  { XK_6, MODIFIER, NULL, 6 },                     // mod+6 to switch to workspace 6
  { XK_7, MODIFIER, NULL, 7 },                     // mod+7 to switch to workspace 7
  { XK_8, MODIFIER, NULL, 8 },                     // mod+8 to switch to workspace 8
  { XK_9, MODIFIER, NULL, 9 }                      // mod+9 to switch to workspace 9
Moody keybindings

Moody keybindings are keybindings that interact with moody, such as killing windows, focusing windows. This is how you would configure them:

#define KILL_KEY XK_q // mod+q for killing the current window
#define NEXT_WINDOW_KEY XK_k // mod+k to focus next window
#define PREV_WINDOW_KEY XK_j // mod+j to focus previous window


I got this idea of creating my own tiling windows manager in a dream. After I woke up, I decided to create moody since I had no projects to work on. moody is inspired by dwm and ragnarwm


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