Real-time Map displays real-time positions of public transport vehicles in Helsinki. It's a showcase for using Temporal Workflow as Actors
The app features:
- Real-time positions of vehicles.
- Vehicle trails.
- Geofencing notifications (vehicle entering and exiting the area).
- Vehicles in geofencing areas per public transport company.
- Horizontal scaling.
The goals of this app are:
- Showing what Temporal Workflow can do.
- Presenting a semi-real-world use case of the distributed actor model.
- Learning how to use Temporal Workflow
Run Temporal Workflow
temporal server start-dev
Run Redis
make start-redis
Start worker
go run worker/main.go
Start backend
go run main.go
Check out the Temporal Workflow UI by navigating to localhost:8233
We'll have 3 types of Workflow in the application
- Vehicle: receive position update message from MQTT, send signal the organization Workflow, maintain vehicle position history and response to get vehicle history request from server
- Organization: receive signal from vehicle Workflow and send signal to corresponding geofence Workflow
- Geofence: receive signal from organization Workflow, maintain which vehicles are currently in this geofence and response to get geofence request from server
- Notification: receive signal from geofence Workflow and publish vehicles ENTER/EXIT geofence area event to Redis
List all organizations that have geofences setup
curl --location 'localhost:12345/api/v1/organization'
List all geofences and vehicles currently inside those geofences of an organization
curl --location 'localhost:12345/api/v1/organization/0030'
List all position changes history of an vehicle
curl --location 'localhost:12345/api/v1/trail/0012.02212'
You can use Postman to connect to the websocket endpoint at localhost:12345/ws to consume vehicle events entering/exiting geofence area
Please refer to the .NET version using Proto.Actor README for a detailed description of the architecture.
- Support Geofencing notifications (vehicle entering and exiting the area).
- Support Continue-As-New for Workflows when Temporal history events length and size limit reached.