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script to convert ETS5 project file to a YAML configuration file suitable for Home Assistant


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ETS project file to Home Assistant configuration

A Ruby tool to convert an ETS5 project file (*.knxproj) into:

  • a YAML configuration file suitable for Home Assistant (requires to define building, functions and group data points in ETS)
  • an XML file for linknx (the object list only)


  • KNX Group Address: a group address is a 1, 2 or 3-level address in the KNX system, e.g. 1/2/3.
  • KNX Data Point Type: a data point type is a type of data that can be sent on a group address, e.g. 1.001, 5.001.
  • ETS Building Information: In ETS, a building is a container for rooms and ETS Function.
  • ETS Function : In ETS, represents an object that has several KNX Group Address associated to it.
  • HA Device : In Home Assistant, a device has a type (e.g.light) and has HA Config Variable.
  • HA Config Variable : In Home Assistant, it's a property of a device,,address,state_address.

Important note

In order for the tool to generate result properly read the following.

An actionable entity in KNX is a KNX Group Address: commands are exchanged in a group address on the KNX Bus. For example a dimmable light has at least one group address for On/Off and another for the dimming value.

An actionable entity in Home Assistant is an HA Device. For example, a dimmable light is a device and has properties, one of them is the group address for On/Off and another is the group address for the dimming value.

So, for this tool to work, the following pieces of information must be found:

  • KNX Group Address
  • The purpose for each KNX Group Address (typically, a KNX Data Point Type)
  • Grouping of group addresses into devices : e.g. ETS Function in ETS mapped to HA Device in Home Assistant

By default, and in fact in a lot of ETS projects, only group addresses are defined as this is sufficient for an installation. I.e. no ETS Function is defined, and KNX Data Point Types are not defined for group addresses. This is why this tool will not work out of the box most of the times: missing information. The next 2 sections explain how to fix this.

Group address: Type

KNX Group Addresses are defined in the ETS project file naturally, as it is the base for the system to work. But we need the types of them (e.g. on/off versus dim value) in order to create the HA configuration.

The best, easiest and most reliable way for the tool to find the type of KNX Group Address is to specify the KNX Data Point Type in the KNX Group Address itself in ETS. This requires editing the KNX project. Refer to Structure in ETS.

Another possibility is to create a custom script. Refer to Custom method

Group address: Grouping into devices

The second part is to regroup KNX Group Addresses into HA Device. This is best done by creating ETS Function in ETS. Refer to Structure in ETS.

Another possibility is to create a custom script. Refer to Custom method


  1. Install Ruby for your platform:

  2. Install this gem

    gem install ets-to-homeassistant
  3. Test it works:

    ets_to_hass --help


General invocation syntax:

Usage: .ets_to_hass [options] <ets project file>.knxproj

    -h, --help
      show help

      include level knx in output file

      sort arrays by name

      add room name in object name

    --format [format]
      one of homeass|linknx

    --fix [ruby file]
      file with specific code to fix objects

    --addr [addr]
      one of Free, TwoLevel, ThreeLevel

    --trace [trace]
      one of debug, info, warn, error

    --output [file]
      add room name in object name```

For example to generate the home assistant KNX configuration from the exported ETS project: `myexport.knxproj`

ets_to_hass --full-name --format homeass --output config_knx.yaml myexport.knxproj

Option --ha-knx adds the dictionary key knx in the generated Home Assistant configuration so that it can be copy/paste in configuration.yaml. Else, typically, include the generated entities in a separate file like this:

knx: !include config_knx.yaml

If option --fix with a path to a non-existing file, then the tool will create a template file with the default code. It will generate basic Objects/Functions for group addresses not part of a function.

Logs are sent to STDERR.

Internal logic

The tool takes the exported file from ETS with extension: knxproj. The project file is a zip with several XML files in it. Make sure that the project file is not password protected.

  • The tool parses the first project file found.

  • It extracts ETS Building Information and KNX Group Addresses.

  • A Ruby object of type: EtsToHass is created, with the following fields:

    @groups_addresses contains all KNX Group Addresses, _gaid_ is the internal identifier of the KNX Group Address in ETS

    @objects contains all ETS Function, _obid_ is the internal identifier of the ETS Function in ETS

@groups_addresses = {
  _gaid_ => {
   name:             "from ETS",
   description:      "from ETS",
   address:          group address as string. e.g. "x/y/z" depending on project style,
   datapoint:        datapoint type as string "", e.g. 1.001,
   ha:               {address_type: '...' } # set by specific code, HA parameter for address
@objects = {
  _obid_ => {
   name:   "from ETS, either function name or full name with room if option --full-name is used",
   type:   "ETS function type, see below",
   floor:  "from ETS",
   room:   "from ETS",
   ha:     {domain: '...', ha parameters... } # set by specific code, HA parameters
@associations = [[_gaid_,_obid_],...]
  • a default mapping is proposed in methods:

    • map_ets_datapoint_to_ha_address_type : default value for @group_addresses[x][:ha][:address_type]
    • map_ets_function_to_ha_object_category : default value for @objects[x][:ha][:domain]
  • the custom specific code is called giving an opportunity to modify this structure.

  • Eventually, the HA configuration is generated

Structure in ETS

The KNX Data Point Type of KNX Group Address is used to find out the associated HA Config Variable. In ETS, for each KNX Group Address, make sure to define the KNX Data Point Type as in the following screenshot:

datapoint in group address

ETS Building Information and ETS Function are used to generate HA devices. If the ETS project has no ETS Building Information, then the tool will create one HA Device per KNX Group Address.

In the following screenshot, note that both KNX Group Address and ETS Function are created.

ETS 5 with building functions

Moreover, if ETS Function are located properly in ETS Building Information levels and rooms, the tool will read this information.

When ETS Function are found, the tool will populate the @objects Hash.

The type of ETS Function is identified by a name (in ETS project file it is FT-[n]):

  • :custom
  • :switchable_light
  • :dimmable_light
  • :sun_protection
  • :heating_radiator
  • :heating_floor
  • :heating_switching_variable
  • :heating_continuous_variable

Custom method

If the KNX Data Point Type of a KNX Group Address is not defined in the ETS project, then the tool cannot guess which group address is e.g. for On/Off, or for dimming value.

If no ETS Building Information with ETS Function was created in the project, then the tool cannot guess which set of KNX Group Address refer to the same HA Device.

It is possible to add this information using option --fix (custom script) which can add missing information, based, for example, on the name of the KNX Group Address.

For example, I used to use a naming convention like: <room>:<object>:<type> before using ETS features, and the custom script could guess the missing data type from <type>, and then group addresses into devices based on <room> and <object>.

But if the convention is to place ON/OFF in 1/x/x then you can use the first address identifier to guess the type of KNX Group Address.

The specific code can modify the analyzed structure:

  • It can delete objects, or create objects.

  • It can add fields in the :ha properties:

    • in @group_addresses:
      • address_type : define the use for the group address, e.g. address, state_address, etc...
    • in @objects:
      • domain : set the entity type in HA (switch, light, etc), this key is then removed from the Hash
      • Other fields : initialize the HA object with these values, e.g. name

The function can use any information such as fields of the object, or description or name of group address for that.

Typically, the name of group addresses can be used if a specific naming convention was used. Or, if group addresses were defined using a specific convention: for example in a/b/c a is the type of action, b is the identifier of device...

The specific code shall be like this:

def fix_objects(generator)
  # use methods of generator to modify the structure


linknx does not have an object concept, and needs only group addresses.


Support is dropped for the moment, until needed, but it is close enough to HA.

Reporting issues

Include the version of ETS used and logs.


One possibility would be to add extra information in the description of the group address and/or function in ETS, and then parse it in the tool. For example, as YAML format.


script to convert ETS5 project file to a YAML configuration file suitable for Home Assistant







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