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Essential Vim

My Config

All the essential configurations needed to run Vim like an IDE. None of the fluff. It should be noted however I will be transitioning to Lua-Vim in the near future.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Terminal
  3. Keybindings
  4. Plugins


Clone this repo to your ~/.config directory and add rename it to nvim to use it as your Neovim config. If you have another folder names nvim in your ~/.config/ make sure you move or rename it to something like nvim.old.

git clone


  • Windows Terminal running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in WSL 2
  • Preferred font is Hack Nerdfont




Vim-Plug is my plugin manager

IDE Features

  • Vimspector -> Graphical Debugger
  • NERDTree -> Filetree
  • Autosave -> Auto Save
  • Tagbar -> Tag Bar
  • FZF -> Fuzzy Finder
  • Anyfold -> Folding Manager
  • Neoterm -> Terminal Emulator
  • NERDCommenter -> Commenter
  • Vim-Move -> Shifting Text Tool

Language Support

  • Coc-nvim -> LSP
  • Polygot -> Better Syntax Highlighting
  • Vim-Json -> JSON Support

Git Integration

  • NERDTree Git -> Git integration for NERDTree
  • Git Branch -> Git Statusline Integratino
  • Git Gutter -> Git signs
  • Vim Fugitive -> Git commands


  • Onedark
  • Onehalf Light/Dark


  • Nvim-Transparent -> Transparent Background
  • Nerdtree Syntax Highlighting -> Syntax Highlighting for NERDTree
  • Coc-FZF -> FZF Preview Window for Coc
  • Devicons -> Nerdfont Icons for Vim

Add Ons

  • Vimwiki -> Personal Wiki
  • Github Copilot -> Github's AI Autocomplete
  • Goyo