Docker Container with the OpenHAB 1.8.3, Java8 and Perl.
Run contnainer with
docker run -itd -p 8080:8080 larizzo/openhab
There are several parameters that can be passed to the container for configuring OpenHAB.
By default this container starts in normal mode. To start in debug mode (more log output), add environment parameter "debug". Example:
docker run -it -e debug=true larizzo/openhab
This probably will be the most used parametrization in order to store the configuration persistent to your local disk. There are two ways to do this, in private docker containers I always recommend the host volume mappings over data volumes. Mount a configuration directory on the host:
docker run -itd -v /config/dir/on/host:/opt/openhab/configurations larizzo/openhab
For Performance Reasons no Bindings are activated by default but they are delivered for configuration with the OpenHAB image. All binding jars are available inside the container at /opt/openhab-all-bindings. To activate bindings place a file in /opt/openhab/configurations (usually via volume-mounting) called "bindings.list" and just list any binding without version part line per line. Example:
RUN ln -s org.openhab.binding.milight-1.8.0.jar /opt/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.milight-$OPENHAB_VERSION.jar
Of course it's also possible to copy or move a addon directly to /opt/openhab/addons.
After launching the container, HABMin is reachable at: