Configure the HTTP listening port: check the config in "server.js", first line. var SERVER_PORT = 8080;
Configure your MongoDB server first.
Then check the config in "connectdb.js" and "initdb.js", first 3 lines, the written config is in normal. var DB_HOST = "localhost"; var DB_PORT = 27017; var DB_NAME = "hubdb";
Make sure node.js is correctly installed in your machine.
If all is okay -->
For first run, init first: $./
To start server: $node server
To close server, just press "CTRL-C".
Router[use npm path]:router.js
StaticFileServer: fileserver.js mime.js
FileCache&SetupPage: preload.js
MongoDB Operate[use npm mongodb]: connectdb.js initdb.js
Pages: userpage.js adminpage.js
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