v10.0.2 – Iridescent Ishtar
Learn how to upgrade to the v10.0 release series on our knowledgebase.
⚠️ Requirements
✨ Features
- Third-party ID verification through SumSub
- Address scoring via Scorechain, replacing the defunct CipherTrace
- Add Alchemy for ETH gateway
- Support for remote wallet nodes (e.g., bitcoind on an external server)
- Admin support and management of cash recyclers
- Price ticker fallbacks: if chosen price source API goes down, fallback to BitPay, Kraken, or Bitstamp
- Admin-based machine camera diagostics: command arbitrary photo captures from machines while retrieving diagnostic logs
🙌 Improvements
- Use new camera module for faster decoding and capture
- Sort admin customers list by last authorisation (SMS/email) attempt, regardless of transaction completion
- Add Docker support
🐛 Fixes
- Correct errors with BitGo plugin
- Fix issues with jumping UI states on machines with MEI validators
- Enforce delay on photo capture on Terms & Conditions screen to prevent erroring out from quick acceptance
🏧 New hardware
- Added support for cash recyclers (Lamassu Aveiro & Grândola)
- Added support for Genmega machines (UK1, UK2, Gemini, Wall Kiosk)
- Added support for Coin Cloud machines (iPro, BNR)
- Added support for General Bytes machines (BATM2 7")
sha256sum codebase-10.0.2/update.tar
b3sum codebase-10.0.2/update.tar