Archived. Please check out this project and this project for reverse engineered solutions for the Spotify Canvas API.
Video URLs from Spotify Canvas
Note that these are obtained manually, as the links of the Canvases are random hashes. They do not relate to the track ID or anything in the Get a Track endpoint.
To get the Canvas of a song, you need to find out the request the Spotify mobile app is making by intercepting the network traffic of your mobile device.
Spotify Canvases are from
On iOS, we use an app called Charles Proxy. They also have a trial version available for desktop, where you can make your computer act as a proxy for your device. There are other programs that do this too, but just make sure that whatever program you're using has the ability to intercept HTTPs/SSL traffic.
If you would like to add some Spotify Canvas links, please submit a pull request. We will only accept pull requests with video URLs from
. We will not accept third-party links. However, if you would like to submit a custom Canvas, like these two, we would gladly upload it to our own S3 and publish it here.