Inspired by Twitch Installs Arch Linux!
Please note that this is not intended for production use. It is a joke. If it causes your computer to explode we are not liable.
EDIT: It seems that running Memetest is one of the new goals for Twitch Installs Arch Linux! Tip for installing and running Memetest: you might want to install QEMU and run the following command:
qemu-system-i386 -cdrom memetest501-wakawaka1.iso -soundhw pcspk
(yes, I know the filename is long. It just adds to the fun :P)
You could possibly modify the command (removing -soundhw pcspk
might be an option if the PC speaker isn't connected to the stream), but I haven't tested the iso on anything but the above command.
Good luck everyone!
EDIT 2: Congratulations on succeeding on running Memetest! It was great seeing this bit of procrastination turn into something meaningful to the community :P