Hy there ! This project includes admin portal and student .
It have a student login site which when matches correctly with ceredentials logs person in to the dashboard of the student poratl .
On clicking eye of the password input the encryption of the password will be done in the text format so that we can check whether we are entering the correct password or not .
IN SIGN-UP : When we provide the password in the field the wehn we provide the confirm password value then value will be compared if both password and confirm password are same then both the fields will turn green and if not then the fields will turn red .
Dashboard :
The person can make a request of book by specifying author name , publisher name , the request will be displayed to the admin of the portal about what type of request is made and the admin will send feed by the <b>E-mail</b> to the student user .
UI of the book search
The student can search for the book whether it is present in the library or not abnd much of the book is left in the library .
UI of the student portal
The student can send a complaint to the librarian (admin) about any misconduct by providing email and complaint to the admin . And the admin will reply to the griveance through EMAIL to the student .
It also have a login site admin site from where only limited users i.e. admins will be allowed to access it . From this portal admin can watch the grievance filled by the students and the book request made by the students and the books available in the library .
The admin will also be able to watch which student logged in and which student just logged out of the student portal. UI of the admin portal
All the students will be listed in the table form with the respected time .
The admin also have a count of the number of grievance , book request and book available as shown