API is still under early stages of development, so feel free to contribute in the project.
An API which executes codes
This version is not hosted, you can access the deployed version here - "https://github.com/kushagra-goyal-14/CodeBox-API"
Docker and docker-compose should be present on the machine.
Step 1 :
Clone the repo
Step 2 :
building the images and start the container.
docker compose up
This endpoint allows you to execute your script and fetch output results.
Parameter | Description |
"src" | Should contain the script that needs to be executed |
"stdin" | In case the script requires any kind of input for execution, leave empty if no input required |
"lang" | Language that the script is written in for example: java, cpp, etc. (Check language as a payload down below in next question) |
All the Languages are listed below .
Languages | Language as a payload |
C++ | cpp |
Java | java |
Python | python3 |
C | c |
GoLang | go |
JS | javascript |
Sending a json post request to http://localhost:3300/api/v1/submit
"src": "\n\n#include<bits/stdc++.h>\n\nusing namespace std ;\n\nint main()\n{ cout << \"Hello World \"<< endl ;}",
"stdin": "48\n95",
"lang": "cpp"
The output is a JSON object comprising only one parameter that is the output.
"message": "Successfully ran it",
"data": "http://localhost:3300/api/v1/results/Test59b64ddfdd6978a4fef4",
"err": {},
"success": true
Make a GET request on http://localhost:3300/api/v1/results/Test59b64ddfdd6978a4fef4
the output will be
"message": "Successfully got it",
"data": "{\"output\":\"Hello World \\n\",\"status\":\"Success\",\"stderr\":\"\",\"submission_id\":\"Test59b64ddfdd6978a4fef4\"}",
"err": {},
"success": true
"status": "Invalid Request"
If the field in post request is empty then it will show invalid request
If the request is in waiting stage i.e. in queue.
Script is running
"status":"Runtime Error"
Most probably timeout happened
Causes due to compilation error or runtime error.
Worked Successfully !!
This port is exposed by docker-compose.
This project is not deployed as it requires a full instance due to various microservices, but a version will be deployed that is not scaled like this version but will be usefull for running all the codes.