A tool written for BAGOSI during the VK Pixel Battle 2019 annual event.
Some of the features remains unpolished so they are not going to be in this release.
Authors: @kumfc & @3vilWind
Deploying on single machine:
Deploying it on multiple machines is pointless until you have 1000+ bots
Set client node role to manager
docker swarm init
docker service create --name registry --publish published=5000,target=5000 registry:2
iptables -I DOCKER-USER -p tcp --destination-port 5000 -j DROP
- Start
docker-compose -f /root/pixel-battle-botnet-dev/docker-compose.deploy.yml build
docker-compose -f /root/pixel-battle-botnet-dev/docker-compose.deploy.yml push
docker stack deploy -c /root/pixel-battle-botnet-dev/docker-compose.deploy.yml pixel
- Kill
docker stack rm pixel