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Repository files navigation Helm Charts

The URL of the chart repository is

For more information about installing and using Helm, see the Helm Docs. For a quick introduction to Charts, see the Chart Guide.


When developing charts, the Makefile comes in handy to template/install/uninstall charts with ease. The following example renders the dex helm chart:

$ make dex-helm-template
wrote tmp/dex/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/secret.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/clusterrole.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/role.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/rolebinding.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/service.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/deployment.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/config-openssl.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/job-grpc-certs.yaml
wrote tmp/dex/templates/job-web-certs.yaml

The following targets are defined:

target Description
helm-add-kubism Add the kubism helm repository to the local list of repos
<chartname>-helm-template Templates the helm chart to tmp/<chartname>
<chartname>-helm-install Installs the helm chart to namespace <chartname> with current kubecontext and helm3
<chartname>-helm-uninstall Uninstalls the helm chart from namespace <chartname>
<chartname>-helm-clean Clears tmp/<chartname>
<chartname>-helm-dependencies Does a helm dep update for <chartname>