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Ingress Nginx Operator

Ingress Nginx Operator is the operator for Kubernetes Ingress NGINX Controller. We use this project to manage nginx gateway resources in Kubegems.

This project is based on nginx-ingress-operator by Nginx Inc and the main code structure is learn from it. The main difference is:

Nginx-ingress-operator by Nginx Inc uses controller. This project uses controller

The following table shows the relation between ingress-nginx operator and controller project.

Ingress NGINX Operator Ingress NGINX Controller
0.1.x 1.3.0
0.2.x 1.3.0

Getting Started

Install ingress-nginx-operator

  1. Deploy
kubectl apply -f
  1. Check
kubectl  get pod -n ingress-nginx-operator-system
NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ingress-nginx-operator-controller-manager-865d785459-psjgr   2/2     Running   0          1m

Deploy ingress-nginx controller

This is an example:

kubectl apply -f


Run local

  1. Deploy
make manifest
make install
  1. Run
make generate
make run