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🧩WindowsGSM plugin that provides TheIsle Evrima Dedicated server support! Now with optional Game.ini parameters! Current to version 0.17.60 - Nov 2nd, 2024


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🧩WindowsGSM plugin that provides TheIsle Evrima Dedicated server support! Updated for the newest Evrima version.

This version adds in support for:

  • Automatic download of Game.ini and Engine.ini upon server bug from Evrima where the files are deleted when stopped.
  • Game.ini settings under [/Script/TheIsle.TIGameSession] are updated from start params. Do not update servername or maxplayercount in start params.
  • Admin lists*

*Admin lists is a optional way for you to support having one or multiple text files (Admin lists are textfiles with lines of Steam IDs) and the ability to add one or multiple per server, leaving the server owners only having to update a a single text file - to update all the servers you want, with your admins

The Game (Beta - Evrima!)


WindowsGSM >= 1.21.0


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Move TheIsle.cs folder to plugins folder
  3. Click [RELOAD PLUGINS] button or restart WindowsGSM

Start Paramater Options (Optional)

Here is a default Game.ini. Only values in the /Script/TheIsle.TIGameSession section can be modified.

After installing the server, select the "Edit Config" option. Under the "Server Start Param" enter the ConfigOption=true/false, and seperate with semicolon (;)

Example: bEnableHumans=true;bQueueEnabled=true;QueuePort=9999

The next time you start or restart your server the values will be added to the game.ini in the /Script/TheIsle.TIGameSession section

Do not add Servername or MaxPlayerCount values, as these are updated from the server config values in the edit window.

Availabe values:





ServerPassword="password" // Keep the quotations. Change the password

bRconEnabled=true/false // Remote console commands

RconPassword="password" // Do Not keep as password - Do not make this public


bServerDynamicWeather=true/false // Evrima update 0.15.191 - Temporarily disabled - has no effect

MinWeatherVariationInterval=600 // Set in seconds how often to switch weather - added v0.17.54

MaxWeatherVariationInterval=900 // Set in seconds how often to switch weather - added v0.17.54

ServerDayLengthMinutes=45 // Value in minutes

ServerNightLengthMinutes=20 // Value in minutes

bServerWhitelist=true/false // Enable/Disable whitelist - You must manually add steamIDs in the Game.ini /Script/TheIsle.TIGameStateBase section. 1 steam ID per line WhitelistIDs=<steamid64> (future project)

bEnableGlobalChat=true/false // Turn on/off Global Chat. Disabled by default.

bSpawnPlants=true/false // Turn on/off Plants for herbivors. Enabled by default

PlantSpawnMultiplier=1 //Multiplies how many plants to spawn, rise this value to increase plant spawn amount - Added v0.17.54

bSpawnAI=true/false // Turn on/off AI for players to eat. Enabled by default

AIDensity=1 // Added v0.17.54 - No notes from developers

AISpawnInterval=40 // Value in seconds to check if players are hungry and spawn if needed

bEnableMigration=true/false // Enabled by default. Makes players move across the map for a well balanced meal. Allows more likely chances of PvP encounters.

MaxMigrationTime=5400 // Value in seconds. Default=5400 which is 90 minutes. Math is seconds / 60 = minutes. so 5400 / 60 = 90 minutes.

GrowthMultiplier=1 // Value is 1 by default. Per developers: Universal multiplier for growth, putting this number too high will stop it to work (stay below ~20)

bEnableMutations=true/false // Enable/disable all mutations. See Game.ini to enable/disable specific mutation types.

bUseRegionSpawning=false //Enable region spawn

bUseRegionSpawnCooldown=true //Enable region cooldown

RegionSpawnCooldownTimeSeconds=600 //Region cooldown max time.

CorpseDecayMultiplier=1 //Multiplies how fast corpses decay to despawn - Reduce value to be faster Added v0.17.54

bAllowRecordingReplay=true //Enable replays.

bEnableDiets=true //Enable/Disable diets, no more buffs

bEnableMigration=true //Disable/Enable Migrations, include Patrols and Mass

SpeciesMigrationTime=10800 //Max time a species MZ stays active

bEnableMassMigration=true //Enable/Disable Mass migration

MassMigrationTime=43200 //Value is in seconds 12h - How often new mass migration is set

MassMigrationDisableTime=7200 // Value is in seconds 2h - How long a mass migration last once set

bEnablePatrolZones=true //Enable/Disable PatrolZone system

// Add the names of each AI class that should be disabled, one line for each. DisallowedAIClasses=Compsognathus DisallowedAIClasses=Pterodactylus DisallowedAIClasses=Boar DisallowedAIClasses=Deer DisallowedAIClasses=Goat DisallowedAIClasses=Seaturtle

Discord="" // Example: Discord="" - Make sure the link does not expire from your discord otherwise users will click the discord button in game menu and the website that opens will go no where.

Admin Lists (Not required!) Credit: @menix1337's Legacy

This plugin has the ability for the server hosters to specify one or multiple text files with lists of SteamIDs (Currently only tested with RAW Github Repo files) adding them automatically to the servers Game.ini file. This means if you are a hoster having multiple servers, and you dislike having to spend hours on adjusting each Game.ini file for adding/removings - this might be an option for you.

  1. In the servers Start Param option field add in the following (*Examples with my test files, use your own!)
  • adminListOne=

You can add multiple lists by adding a semi-colon (;)with a new list entry such as:

  • adminListOne=;adminListTwo=

-- And if you wish you can expand to this list with AdminListThree, AdminListFour - followed by the links as the examples above... etc (There should be no limit in theory)

So what happens with these lists?

WindowsGSM will open the text file and merge each Steam ID on the list into a combined list & add ServerAdmin= in front & modify your Game.ini by adding them in there. So make sure all admins you want to have as admin in game, are added to these lists, if you use decide it.

So lets say if you have 2 steamids in adminListOne and 1 steamid in adminListTwo, it will combine them into 3 Steam IDs, getting added as admin on your server. (This gives you an option to add seperate lists for lets say';' Deathmatch, Event servers where you maybe need more people to be admin, that you don't want to have admin on the other servers)

So in theory adminListOne could be your main admins adminListTwo could be trial admins adminListThree could eventually be DM/Event related admins

  • and combined they will make 1 admin list in your server.

OBS: Currently only supporting text file, laying online in places such as GitHub etc. (Raw text files) - In case your source for admin lists textfiles goes down, or you do not apply one - it will just keep using the Game.Ini you already have

So how could a final Server Start Param look? (With and Without the usage of admin lists)

bEnableHumans=true;bQueueEnabled=true;QueuePort=9999 or bEnableHumans=true;bQueueEnabled=true;QueuePort=9999;adminListOne= or bEnableHumans=true;bQueueEnabled=true;QueuePort=9999;adminListOne=;adminListTwo=

OBS: Remember if you use Admin Lists to adjust them into your own Steam IDs. The Steam IDs & lists provided in the examples are only for an example purpose


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


🧩WindowsGSM plugin that provides TheIsle Evrima Dedicated server support! Now with optional Game.ini parameters! Current to version 0.17.60 - Nov 2nd, 2024







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