a step sequencer built with Max and exported via RNBO. It uses lines drawn on p5.js canvases to modulate parameters of the step sequencer.
live github build: https://krismakesstuff.github.io/rnbo-step-sequencer/
demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdBxwLx5CV4&ab_channel=krismakesmusic
- hit play
- click on steps to trigger sounds or choose a preset pattern.
- play with knobs
- assign parameters to each canvas
- draw lines
- repeat
big credit to Sam and this video
- clap1.wav: https://samplefocus.com/samples/drum-shot-air-clap
- hihat1.wav: https://samplefocus.com/samples/dry-closed-hi-hat-618dd7ff-b13b-4194-8266-20e41ca14418
- snare1.wav: https://samplefocus.com/samples/snare-basic
- kick1.wav: https://samplefocus.com/samples/eurodance-drums-smooth-kick
- add scales and octaves to "quantize the canvas". add select elements
- add more canvases. but need to refactor xyCanvas.js first.