Facebook has a handy feature that allows you to navigate through images using the left and right arrow keys. Many wallpaper sites have multiple pages filled with images, and clicking on hyperlinks to load the next page can be tedious. To make this easier, you can use a small JavaScript script with the Tampermonkey extension in Google Chrome. This script enables you to move between pages using just the arrow keys. You can also modify it to work with other websites, as long as the next page's URL ends with a number.
usage is very simple. all you need to do is just press keys :P . this code only works for the website URL's ending with a number. i mainly considered this website during developing this script if URL is http://wallpaperswide.com/celebrities-desktop-wallpapers/page/10 and you want to convert it to http://wallpaperswide.com/celebrities-desktop-wallpapers/page/9 just press left arrow key. if URL is http://wallpaperswide.com/celebrities-desktop-wallpapers/page/10 and you want to convert it to http://wallpaperswide.com/celebrities-desktop-wallpapers/page/11 just press right arrow key.