This example project is based on few other projects:
It allows you to run Cucumber features (tests/scenarios) in multiple browsers simultaneously using Selenium (WebDriver) and TestNG.
Tested in IntelliJ Idea 13.1.1 To run all stories from IDE only in Firefox, simply right click on one of the files:
And chose "Run ..." (Yes, choosing RunCukesTestInChrome will also run tests in FF!)
To run all stories simultaneously in both browsers (Chrome and Firefox) right click on one of the files:
- src/test/resources/TestNGRunTestsLocally.xml
- src/test/resources/TestNGRunTestsRemotely.xml
And chose "Run ..."
To run just one selected feature, change the feature name in the class below:
And as in previous example, right click on this class and chose "Run ..."
Run tests using local browsers:
mvn clean install
Run tests using browsers running on remote nodes:
mvn clean install -P runTestsRemotely
All Cucumber reports [html, json, xml, js] are in: target/cucumber-report
This project is using Mark Collin's "selenium-standalone-server-plugin" which is a Maven plugin that can download WebDriver binaries automatically. Once you configure the plugin to your liking, then:
mvn clean install -P downloadDriverBinaries
The pom.xml is currently configured to download only a Chrome driver binary for 64bit Linux OSes. If you can't download desired driver binary, then check if its URL and checksum specified in:
are correct. If not, then modify this file accordingly.
I'll add a tutorial later
maven 2/3
AnsiColor Cucumber json test reporting. cucumber-perf cucumber-reports GIT client plugin GIT plugin Hudson Locks and Latches plugin Maven Integration plugin SSH Credentials Plugin TestNG Results Plugin Xvfb plugin