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TimWhiting committed Dec 21, 2024
1 parent 9f1042c commit 0259b75
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 38 deletions.
85 changes: 47 additions & 38 deletions src/Main/langserver/LanguageServer/Handler/CodeAction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ codeActionHandler
Just info -> do
let actions = [("show", synShowString modname info), ("==", synEquality modname info),
("cmp", synOrd modname info), ("order2", synOrder2 modname info),
("recursive method", synPlaceholder modname "method" info), ("general method", synPlaceholder2 modname "method" info)]
("function", synOverloaded modname "overloaded" info),
("map", synMap modname "map" info)]
let results = map (\(nm, action) -> (nm, Core.runCorePhase 0 action)) actions
env <- getPrettyEnvFor modname
responder $ Right $ J.InL (mapMaybe (\(nm, res) -> J.InR <$> toCodeAction env origuri (dataInfoRange info) nm res) results)
Expand All @@ -87,8 +88,8 @@ toCodeAction env uri rng kind err =
"==" -> "Generate (==) function"
"cmp" -> "Generate cmp (comparison) function"
"order2" -> "Generate order2 (fip comparison) function"
"general method" -> "Generate a method that is recursive only on the fields of the data type"
"recursive method" -> "Generate a recursive method that calls the method for each field"
"map" -> "Generate a map function"
"function" -> "Generate an overloaded function"
(Just J.CodeActionKind_QuickFix) Nothing Nothing Nothing
(Just (J.WorkspaceEdit (Just (M.singleton uri [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ instance Eq UserQuantifier where
instance Eq (TypeBinder k) where
TypeBinder x _ _ _ == TypeBinder y _ _ _ = x == y

instance Eq UserType where
instance Eq (KUserType k) where
TpVar x _ == TpVar y _ = x == y
TpCon x _ == TpCon y _ = x == y
TpApp x xs _ == TpApp y ys _ = x == y && xs == ys
Expand All @@ -172,28 +173,26 @@ appendStr (Lit (LitString s1 _)) (App (Var op _ _) [(_, Lit (LitString s2 _)), (
appendStr (Lit (LitString (s1 ++ s2) rangeNull)) s3
appendStr expr1 expr2 = App appendOp [(Nothing, expr1), (Nothing, expr2)] rangeNull

type SynUnaryBranch = UserType -> ConInfo -> (Expr UserType -> UserType -> Expr UserType) -> [(Bool, (Name, UserType))] -> [Branch UserType]
type SynUnaryBranch = UserType -> ConInfo -> (Expr UserType -> UserType -> Expr UserType) -> (UserType -> Bool) -> [(Bool, (Name, UserType))] -> [Branch UserType]

synGeneralUnary :: Name -> Name -> String -> DataInfo -> (TypeVar, UserType) -> UserType -> SynUnaryBranch -> (Def UserType)
synGeneralUnary :: Name -> Name -> String -> DataInfo -> (TypeVar, UserType) -> ((Bool, UserType, Int) -> UserType) -> SynUnaryBranch -> (Def UserType)
synGeneralUnary modName generalName doc info (evar, effectTp) resultTp mkBranches =
let DataInfo{dataInfoRange = drng } = info
dataName = dataInfoName info
tyParams = dataInfoParams info
let DataInfo{dataInfoRange = drng, dataInfoParams = tyParams, dataInfoConstrs = constrs, dataInfoVis = vis, dataInfoName = dataName } = info
nice = niceTypeExtendVars (evar:tyParams) niceEmpty
showTV tv = newName $ show $ ppTypeVar defaultEnv{nice=nice} tv
tpParams = map (\tv -> TpVar (showTV tv) drng) tyParams
dataTp = TpApp (TpCon dataName drng) tpParams drng
selfArg = if all isAlphaNum (show dataName) then dataName else newName "this"
tVarName tv = toImplicitParamName (newLocallyQualified "" (nameStem $ tpVarName tv) (nameStem generalName))
starTVs = map (\tv -> TpVar (showTV tv) drng) $ filter isStarTypeVar tyParams
tvArgs = map (\x -> (tVarName x, TpFun [(prepend "tv" (tpVarName x), x)] effectTp resultTp rangeNull)) starTVs
tvArgs = zipWith (\i x -> (tVarName x, TpFun [(prepend "tv" (tpVarName x), x)] effectTp (resultTp (False, x, i)) rangeNull)) [0..] starTVs
tvBinds = map (\(x, tp) -> mkBindt x tp drng) tvArgs
fullTp = tpForall (tpParams ++ [effectTp]) $ TpFun ((selfArg,dataTp):tvArgs) effectTp resultTp rangeNull
fullTp = tpForall (tpParams ++ [effectTp]) $ TpFun ((selfArg,dataTp):tvArgs) effectTp (resultTp (True, dataTp, 0)) rangeNull
showExpr = Ann (Lam (mkBindt selfArg dataTp drng:tvBinds) caseExpr drng) fullTp drng
branches = concatMap makeBranch (dataInfoConstrs info)
branches = concatMap makeBranch constrs
caseExpr = Case (Var selfArg False drng) branches False drng
defName = newLocallyQualified "" (nameStem dataName) (nameStem generalName)
def = Def (ValueBinder defName () showExpr drng drng) drng (dataInfoVis info) (DefFun [Borrow] (NoFip False)) InlineAlways doc
def = Def (ValueBinder defName () showExpr drng drng) drng vis (DefFun [Borrow] (NoFip False)) InlineAlways doc
makeBranch :: ConInfo -> [Branch UserType]
makeBranch con
= let
Expand All @@ -215,15 +214,19 @@ synGeneralUnary modName generalName doc info (evar, effectTp) resultTp mkBranche
-- Use fully qualified defName if the type is the same as the data type
if ty == dataTp then App (Var defName False crng) [(Nothing, exp)] crng
else App (tyAppName ty) [(Nothing, exp)] crng
isTV :: UserType -> Bool
isTV (TpVar _ _) = True
isTV _ = False
fields = map (\(nm, tp) -> (not (isFun tp), (nm, userTp nice tp))) (conInfoParams con)
in mkBranches dataTp con recur fields
in mkBranches dataTp con recur isTV fields
in def

synPlaceholder :: Name -> String -> DataInfo -> Core.CorePhase b (Def UserType)
synPlaceholder modName generalName info = do
synOverloaded :: Name -> String -> DataInfo -> Core.CorePhase b (Def UserType)
synOverloaded modName generalName info = do
evar <- TV.freshTypeVar kindEffect Bound
let doc = "// " ++ generalName ++ " method for `" ++ (nameStem dataName) ++ "` type.\n"
return $ synGeneralUnary modName (newName generalName) doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) (TpVar (newName "a") rangeNull) $ \_ con recur fields ->
let doc = "// " ++ generalName ++ " function for `" ++ (nameStem dataName) ++ "` type.\n"
dataName = dataInfoName info
return $ synGeneralUnary modName (newName generalName) doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) (const (TpVar (newName "a") rangeNull)) $ \_ con recur _ fields ->
let crng = conInfoRange con
patterns = [(Nothing,pVar fld crng) | fld <- fields]
defs = map (\f@(isFunc,(fldNm,fldTp)) ->
Expand All @@ -233,34 +236,40 @@ synPlaceholder modName generalName info = do
conMatch = PatCon (conInfoName con) patterns crng crng
branchExpr = [Branch conMatch [Guard guardTrue (Let (DefRec defs) (Var nameUnit False crng) crng)]]
in branchExpr
where dataName = dataInfoName info

synPlaceholder2 :: Name -> String -> DataInfo -> Core.CorePhase b (Def UserType)
synPlaceholder2 modName generalName info = do
synMap :: Name -> String -> DataInfo -> Core.CorePhase b (Def UserType)
synMap modName generalName info = do
evar <- TV.freshTypeVar kindEffect Bound
let doc = "// " ++ generalName ++ " method for `" ++ (nameStem dataName) ++ "` type.\n"
return $ synGeneralUnary modName (newName generalName) doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) (TpVar (newName "a") rangeNull) $ \dataTp con recur fields ->
let dataName = dataInfoName info
doc = "// " ++ generalName ++ " function for `" ++ (nameStem dataName) ++ "` type.\n"
DataInfo{dataInfoRange = drng, dataInfoParams = tyParams, dataInfoConstrs = constrs, dataInfoVis = vis } = info
tvarsnew <- mapM (\x -> if isStarTypeVar x then Left <$> (TV.freshTypeVar kindStar Bound) else return $ Right x) tyParams
let newstarvars = concatMap (\x -> case x of {Right _ -> []; Left x -> [x]}) tvarsnew
nice = niceTypeExtendVars (evar:tyParams ++ newstarvars) niceEmpty
showTV tv = newName $ show $ ppTypeVar defaultEnv{nice=nice} tv
tpParamsNew = map (\tv -> case tv of {Right tv -> TpVar (showTV tv) drng; Left tv -> TpVar (showTV tv) drng}) tvarsnew
returnTp (isDataTp, tp, i) = if isDataTp then TpApp (TpCon dataName drng) tpParamsNew drng -- final return type
else TpVar (showTV (newstarvars !! i)) rangeNull -- return type for polymorphic starTVs
return $ synGeneralUnary modName (newName generalName) doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) returnTp $ \dataTp con recur isTV fields ->
let crng = conInfoRange con
pVar fld rng = PatVar (ValueBinder (fst (snd fld)) Nothing (PatWild rng) rng rng)
patterns = [(Nothing,pVar fld crng) | fld <- fields]
defs = mapMaybe (\f@(isFunc,(fldNm,fldTp)) ->
if fldTp == dataTp then
Just $ Def (ValueBinder (prepend "rec" fldNm) () (recur (Var fldNm False crng) fldTp) crng crng) crng Private DefVal InlineAlways ""
newfields = map (\f@(isFunc,(fldNm,fldTp)) ->
if fldTp == dataTp || isTV fldTp then
recur (Var fldNm False crng) fldTp
Var fldNm False crng
) fields
pVar fld rng = PatVar (ValueBinder (fst (snd fld)) Nothing (PatWild rng) rng rng)
conMatch = PatCon (conInfoName con) patterns crng crng
branchExpr = [Branch conMatch [Guard guardTrue (Let (DefRec defs) (Var nameUnit False crng) crng)]]
branchExpr = [Branch conMatch [Guard guardTrue (App (Var (conInfoName con) False crng) (map (\e -> (Nothing, e)) newfields) crng)]]
in branchExpr
where dataName = dataInfoName info

synShowString :: Name -> DataInfo -> Core.CorePhase b (Def UserType)
synShowString modName info = do
evar <- TV.freshTypeVar kindEffect Bound
let anyFunctionFields = any (any (isFun . snd) . conInfoParams) (dataInfoConstrs info)
doc = "// Automatically generated.\n// Shows a string representation of the `" ++ nameStem (dataInfoName info) ++ "` type" ++ (if anyFunctionFields then " (ignores function fields).\n" else ".\n")
return $ synGeneralUnary modName nameShow doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) tpString $ \_ con recur fields ->
return $ synGeneralUnary modName nameShow doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) (const tpString) $ \_ con recur _ fields ->
let crng = conInfoRange con
lString s = Lit (LitString s crng)
patterns = [(Nothing,pVar fld crng) | fld <- fields]
Expand All @@ -284,7 +293,7 @@ type SynBinaryBranch = Int -> UserType -> ConInfo -> (Expr UserType -> Expr User
tupleBranch :: Pattern UserType -> Pattern UserType -> Expr UserType -> Range -> Branch UserType
tupleBranch p1 p2 res r = Branch (PatCon (nameTuple 2) [(Nothing, p1), (Nothing, p2)] r r) [Guard guardTrue res]

synBinaryOp :: Name -> Name -> Bool -> String -> DataInfo -> (TypeVar, UserType) -> UserType -> [Branch UserType] -> SynBinaryBranch -> Def UserType
synBinaryOp :: Name -> Name -> Bool -> String -> DataInfo -> (TypeVar, UserType) -> (UserType -> UserType) -> [Branch UserType] -> SynBinaryBranch -> Def UserType
synBinaryOp modName generalName isOp doc info (evar, effectTp) resultTp defaultBranch mkBranch =
let drng = dataInfoRange info
dataName = dataInfoName info
Expand All @@ -299,10 +308,10 @@ synBinaryOp modName generalName isOp doc info (evar, effectTp) resultTp defaultB
tVarName tv = toImplicitParamName (newLocallyQualified "" (nameStem (tpVarName tv)) (nameStem generalName))
tvArgs = map (\x -> (tVarName x, TpFun
[(prepend "this" (tpVarName x), x),
(prepend "other" (tpVarName x), x)] effectTp resultTp rangeNull))
(prepend "other" (tpVarName x), x)] effectTp (resultTp x) rangeNull))
tvBinds = map (\(x, t) -> mkBindt x t drng) tvArgs
fullTp = tpForall (tpParams ++ [effectTp]) $ TpFun ((selfArg,dataTp):(otherArg,dataTp):tvArgs) effectTp resultTp rangeNull
fullTp = tpForall (tpParams ++ [effectTp]) $ TpFun ((selfArg,dataTp):(otherArg,dataTp):tvArgs) effectTp (resultTp dataTp) rangeNull
branches = concat $ zipWith makeBranch (dataInfoConstrs info) [0..]
litBool b rng = if b then Var nameTrue False rng else Var nameFalse False rng
caseArg = [(Nothing, Var selfArg False drng), (Nothing, Var otherArg False drng)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,7 +352,7 @@ synEquality modName info = do
doc = "// Automatically generated.\n// Equality comparison of the `" ++ nameStem (dataInfoName info) ++ "` type" ++ (if anyFunctionFields then " (ignores function fields).\n" else ".\n")
defaultBranch :: [Branch UserType]
defaultBranch = ([tupleBranch (PatWild drng) (PatWild drng) (litBool False drng) drng | not (hasSingleCon info)])
return $ synBinaryOp modName nameEq True doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) tpBool defaultBranch $ \_ _ con recur fields ->
return $ synBinaryOp modName nameEq True doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) (const tpBool) defaultBranch $ \_ _ con recur fields ->
let crng = conInfoRange con
pVar :: (Bool, (Name, UserType)) -> String -> Pattern UserType
pVar fld postfix = if fst fld then PatVar (ValueBinder (postpend postfix (fst (snd fld))) Nothing (PatWild crng) crng crng)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,7 +383,7 @@ synOrd modName info = do
litLt = Var (newName "Lt") False drng
litGt = Var (newName "Gt") False drng
litEq = Var nameCmpEq False drng
return $ synBinaryOp modName nameCmp False doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) tpOrder [] $ \idx _ con recur fields ->
return $ synBinaryOp modName nameCmp False doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) (const tpOrder) [] $ \idx _ con recur fields ->
let crng = conInfoRange con
pVar :: (Bool, (Name, UserType)) -> String -> Pattern UserType
pVar fld postfix = if fst fld then PatVar (ValueBinder (postpend postfix (fst (snd fld))) Nothing (PatWild crng) crng crng)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,7 +427,7 @@ synOrder2 modName info = do
showTV tv = newName $ show $ ppTypeVar defaultEnv{nice=nice} tv
tpParams = map (\tv -> TpVar (showTV tv) rangeNull) tyParams
dataTp = TpApp (TpCon dataName drng) tpParams drng
tpOrder2 = TpApp (TpCon nameOrd2 drng) [dataTp] drng
tpOrder2 tp = TpApp (TpCon nameOrd2 drng) [tp] drng
return $ synBinaryOp modName nameOrder2 False doc info (evar, TpVar (newName "e") rangeNull) tpOrder2 [] $ \idx dataTp con recur fields ->
let crng = conInfoRange con
varN fld postfix = postpend postfix (fst (snd fld))
Expand Down

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