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Interact LpuLive programmatically using a simple Python Library. Allows you to search, conversation lookup, messages lookup, profile view etc.


Getting Started

Install this package from pypi

$ pip install lpulive
$ python
>>> from lpulive import User


See all Methods

Get Conversations

  • To get all the active chat
  • function takes no argument
  • function return a dictionary object
    • chats : list of all the chat active on users profile
      • id : id of particular chat
      • chat_name : name of the chat
      • date_time : last acitve message on that chat
      • unread : total unread messages on that chat
    • total_chat : total group/private chat active on users profiles


from lpulive import User

regno = < Registration Number >
password = < Password >

user = User(registration_no=regno, password=password)
conversation_data = user.get_conversations()

Get Messages

  • To get all the messages of selected chat
    • functions takes to argument chat_id, msg_thread
      • chat_id : to select a particular chat to get all messages [ required argument ]
      • msg_thread : to turn on thread, this will also include the threads of messages ( if applicable ) [ default value is False ]
    • function return a dictionary object
      • chat_id: id of the chat
      • messages : list of all the messages in that chat
        • id : id number ( smaller the id newer the message )
        • m_id : message id
        • message : text message
        • from_user : message sender name
        • regno : message sender registration number
        • attachment : any attachment in that message ( if applicable )
        • thread_message : get all the thread of a particular message ( if msg_thread is True )
      • chat_name : name of the chat
      • total_messages : total messages in that chat
      • user_name : name of current user

Usage Without threads active

from lpulive import User

regno = < Registration Number >
password = < Password >

user = User(registration_no=regno, password=password)
chat_id = < chat id to search >
messages_data = user.get_messages(chat_id=chat_id)

Usage With threads active

  • With threads active fetched messages will also have thread messages
    • with active thread, data fetching may be little slow
messages_data = user.get_messages(chat_id=chat_id,msg_thread=True)

Get Message Threads

  • To get the thread of particular message
    • function takes to parameter chat_id, msg_id
      • chat_id : chat_id of the chat
      • msg_id : message id for which thread is to be extracted
    • Function returns a dictionary object of thread message of that message
      • chat_id : chat_id of the chat
      • msg_id : message id of the chat
      • messages : messages of all the thread
      • total_thread : count of total messages in thread


from lpulive import User

regno = < Registration Number >
password = < Password >

user = User(registration_no=regno, password=password)
chat_id = < chat_id to search >
msg_id = < m_id of a message to see the thread >
threads_data = user.get_message_threads(chat_id=chat_id,msg_id=msg_id)

Get Members

  • To get all the members list in a particular channel
    • function takes one argument chat_id
      • chat_id : chat_id of the chat
    • function returns a dictionary object
      • chat_id : chat_id of the chat
      • members : list of members
        • name : name of the member
        • regno : registration number
        • profile_img : profile image of the member
        • phone : phone number ( if available )
      • total_members : count fof total members


from lpulive import User

regno = < Registration Number >
password = < Password >

user = User(registration_no=regno, password=password)
chat_id = < chat id to search >
members_data = user.get_chat_members(chat_id=chat_id)

User Search

  • To search user
  • function takes one argument query
    • query : search query
  • function returns a dictionary object
    • search_query : search query
    • users : list of users found
      • id : id
      • name : name of the user
      • regno : registration number of the user
      • department : department/batch of the user
      • profile_img : profile image of the user
    • total_found : total user matched the query


from lpulive import User

regno = < Registration Number >
password = < Password >

user = User(registration_no=regno, password=password)
query = < search query >
search_data = user.search_users(query=query)


  • Logout the user from local session
    • Clears up all the local cache
  • function takes no argument
  • function return a string object


from lpulive import User

regno = < Registration Number >
password = < Password >

user = User(registration_no=regno, password=password)

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