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Advent of code 🎄

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* ||| .  .  . .  .  . | .  .     .   .   /|||           + | +                 *
* |||. Season's Greetings!     .      . / |||                                 *
* |||\.   .    .      |     .      /\  /. |||    + | +           Happy        *
* ||| \  . /\  . .    |.    /\.   /  \/.  |||   *-|//-*        Holidays!      *
* |||  \. /. \   ./\  |   ./  \ ./ .  \ . ||| > +--+--+ <                     *
* ||| . \/.   \/\/  \ |   / .  \/ .    .  |||   *-//|-*         And Have A    *
* |||=====================================|||    + | +           Happy New    *
* ||| .  .\     *  \ .|\/ .  .  .\  .  .. |||        |------------|     Year! *
* ||| .    \.  ***  . | \.   .    \.    .*|||        |            |           *
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$ npm install
$ npm start

To create files for a new day, run:

$ npm run new --date=<year>-<day>

Example for creating a new js file and input txt for 2022 day 4:

$ npm run new --date=2022-04