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Provider Selection

rgaudin edited this page Jan 25, 2022 · 1 revision


  • Cost effective (Cluster and resources)
  • Availability of various machines for Nodes and Storage
  • Environmental friendly (Carbon footprint)
  • Managed Cluster so we don't have to care about installing/maintaining/upgrading the Cluster & Control plane


  • Scaleway Kapsule
  • Scaleway Kosmos
  • Linode

Scaleway Kapsule

  • Free Managed Cluster with Ingress
  • Limited to Scaleway resources
  • Limited to Compute Instances: no Elastic Metal nor Dedibox
  • PVC limited to Scaleway Block Storage

Scaleway Kosmos

  • Paid Managed Cluster: 120€/m
  • Any Ubuntu 20.04 machine can join easily


  • No environment policy
  • Free managed Cluster
  • No dedicated hardware resources