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Godot JSON Library

Why I made this

My goal was to create a library that makes JSON-based mods super easy and safe to implement.

This library makes it easy to load JSON and validate it based on custom validators (or a JSON schema!). That way, modders can use the familiar JSON format (and all the quality-of-life, autocomplete, etc. tools already available for JSON) to implement really complex mods without that much knowledge needed.

Use cases

  • Serializing/deserializing user data in a familiar format
  • Editable resources in a familiar format
  • Adding validation to serialized data
  • Using existing JSON Schemas without having to recreate all the validation rules in Godot


  • Load JSON as a Dictionary or other Godot Object (e.g. Node, Resource, etc.)
  • Load JSON Schemas to create validators
  • Validate any JSON data type (object, array, boolean, string, null, number, integer) or create custom validators
  • Validate Godot data types like Vector2, Vector2i, etc. (see JVectorValidator)
  • Validate file paths (see JPathValidator)


Using a JSON Schema

1. Create a JSON Schema file:


	"type": "object",
	"properties": {
		"username": {
			"type": string",
		"age": {
			"type": "integer",
			"minimum": 0,
	"required": ["username", "age"]

2. Create a few JSON data files:


	"username": "jsmith",
	"age": 24


	"username": "bdoe",
	"age": 36

3. In your main scene, add to _ready():

func _ready() -> void:
	var validator :="users_schema.json").load_validator()
	var user_1 ="user_1.json").set_validator(validator).load()
	var user_2 ="user_2.json").set_validator(validator).load()
	assert(user_1 == { username = "jsmith", age = 24 })
	assert(user_2 == { username = "bdoe", age = 36 })
	# this is invalid, no age:
	assert(validator.is_valid({ username = "some_user" }) == false)
	# this is invalid, age is below 0:
	assert(validator.is_valid({ username = "some_user", age = -1 }) == false)