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kf7eel edited this page Dec 24, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the shark-py-sms wiki!


  • SMS to E-Mail
  • E-Mail to SMS
  • APRS to DMR SMS gateway (12/5/2019)
  • DMR SMS to APRS gateway (12/6/2019)
  • Current Time
  • Several minor commands

Currently working on implementing:

  • DMR SMS to APRS 12/5/2019 - Sucessfully implimented APRS to DMR SMS. 12/2/2019 - Sucessfully filtering packets from specific callsigns. Next, need to filter packet further for processing...

  • Commands to control Openspot 12/5/2019 - Not yet started...

Future possible features:

  • Some sort of XMPP implimentation.
  • METAR info
  • Have any ideas?


  • Finish cleaning up email functions.
  • Start coding APRS messaging functionality using APRS lib.
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