A simple image gallery web via Fast-api with local S3 & Dynamodb.
The objective of the project is to test a web app locally in a simulated environment like on AWS. Next, all necessary resoruces will be created via AWS Cloudformation. The dockerized web app will be run in an EC2 instance connected to Dyanmo & S3.
As a developer, testing apps locally in a simulated environment like AWS can be useful in shortening deployment time. Deploying apps to cloud platforms can often require separate deployment teams, so it’s crucial for developers to have a reliable local testing environment.
This is where the ImageGallery-fastapi app comes in handy. The app is a simple image gallery web application with local S3 and DynamoDB. You can follow the structure to develop your own apps easily! =]
Make sure you have setup $HOME/.aws/credentials. It can be just a dumpy credential locally
Run the app locally with docker-compose. Remember to shutdown servcies before each rerun e.g
docker-compose down
docker-compose up
Now, you can visit the web app on localhost:8006 from your browser!
- After each modificaiton on the app. Build the image again and repeat the step 2 e.g
docker build --no-cache -t kennedydocker/gallery_fast_api:latest .
To follow the same structure for your own apps, you can modify the gallery_fast_api service in the docker-compose.yml e.g replace the image repo with your own one.
Files will be written to memory only. Table content can be reviewed via a local dynamodb-admin gui
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name local-dynamodb amazon/dynamodb-local
docker logs -f local-dynamodb
npm install -g dynamodb-admin
Then visit http://localhost:8001/ to visit check the dynamodb at the admin portal
https://hub.docker.com/r/amazon/dynamodb-local https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/DynamoDBLocal.UsageNotes.html
docker run -p 9090:9090 -p 9191:9191 -e initialBuckets=test -e debug=true -t adobe/s3mock
This can useful, since --network host may not work in your machine during testing
uvicorn main:app --port 8006 --reload
Alernatively, run it with docker on non-mac machine. --network host can be used. As mentioned, configure your $HOME/.aws/credentials, so that it can be binded to the container
docker build -t kennedydocker/gallery_fast_api:latest .
docker run --network host -e ENV_NAME=development -e ORI_IMAGES_BUCKET=oriimagesbucket7566 -e RESIZED_IMAGES_BUCKET=resizedimagesbucket7566 -e DYANMODB_TABLE_NAME=image_meta --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.aws,target=/root/.aws,readonly kennedydocker/gallery_fast_api:latest
With the above instructions, you should be able to run the app locally. Enjoy testing with the app locally!!
docker build --no-cache -t kennedydocker/gallery_fast_api:latest .
docker push kennedydocker/gallery_fast_api:latest
- create s3 buckets with appropriate policies and rules
- create dynamodb table with appropriate essential policies and rules
- create cloudformation stack
The setup script is actually recorded in UserData in cloudformation stack. FYI, on EC2, you can run the following:
docker run -e ENV_NAME=production -e ORI_IMAGES_BUCKET=oriimagesbucket7566 -e RESIZED_IMAGES_BUCKET=resizedimagesbucket7566 -e DYANMODB_TABLE_NAME=image_meta -p 8006:8006 kennedydocker/gallery_fast_api:latest