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Actions: kenhendricks00/minimal-portfolio

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7 workflow runs
7 workflow runs

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Update portfolio.js
Generate a build and push to another branch #21: Commit 88823ae pushed by kenhendricks00
January 13, 2024 22:55 17s master
January 13, 2024 22:55 17s
Add files via upload
Generate a build and push to another branch #20: Commit d4d14ec pushed by kenhendricks00
January 13, 2024 22:53 17s master
January 13, 2024 22:53 17s
Update portfolio.js
Generate a build and push to another branch #19: Commit ded7409 pushed by kenhendricks00
November 8, 2023 01:36 21s master
November 8, 2023 01:36 21s
Update portfolio.js
Generate a build and push to another branch #18: Commit 05ee026 pushed by kenhendricks00
November 8, 2023 01:21 31s master
November 8, 2023 01:21 31s
Update App.jsx
Generate a build and push to another branch #17: Commit 5fc6b98 pushed by kenhendricks00
November 7, 2023 19:16 25s master
November 7, 2023 19:16 25s
Update App.jsx
Generate a build and push to another branch #16: Commit bd5f4f7 pushed by kenhendricks00
November 7, 2023 19:11 22s master
November 7, 2023 19:11 22s
Update Title.jsx
Generate a build and push to another branch #15: Commit dd4ee03 pushed by kenhendricks00
November 7, 2023 19:08 25s master
November 7, 2023 19:08 25s