This organisation on GitHub is a playground for Computer Science, Multimedia, Business, Design and Technology students @ KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
Assignment template repositories
The kea-dev organisation holds he template repositories used in learning exercises. See the full list. These repositories are designed to exercise different programming or technology skills. In context of KEA they are most often used in GitHub Classroom Assignments defined by instructors given to Students. But they are public and Open Source and anyone - you included - can simply creatd a repository from one of the learning-exercise repositories.
of each repository tells you how to get started - just get cracking at it. hosts a website at The articles and posts at are suplementary to the learning-exercises. It's a build-in-public project and the source for the website is build using Jekyll and GitHub Pages - if you wanna take a peek under the hood have a look at kea-dev/ and maybe study the closed issues on the repo.
Open Discussion Forum serves an open discussion forum for learners and instructors and anyone else interested in what we do at KEA. No matter how you ended up on this page - you are encouraged to join! Use this direct link to the discussion forum or simply hit the "Discussions" tab at the top of the page: