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REST-based API for HTCondor, using the Python bindings.

Currently allows read-only queries for jobs (in-queue and historical), configuration, and machine status.

NOTE: The API has not stabilized yet and queries are subject to change. Do not use in production.

KBase Specific Configuration Information

  • To specify the auth url set AUTH_URL
  • To specify the jwt token used to connect to condor specify CONDOR_JWT_TOKEN
  • To specify which condor collector, schedd, and which variables are redacted (e.g. environment), modify the condor_config either here, or mount it in via a ConfigMap
  • This api is protected via AUTH Roles, and checks to see if you have the proper EE2 Role to allow you access to this api
  • For information about where python and its dependencies are installed, see the Dockerfile and


Installation requires the following Python modules:

  • htcondor >= 8.9.2
  • flask
  • flask-restful

Install them via pip or your OS's package manager.

Create a virtualenv then pip install -e .. To run using the built-in Flask server (not for production), run

FLASK_APP=condor_restd flask run -p 9680

For additional scalability, run using a WSGI server such as gunicorn:

gunicorn -w4 -b127.0.0.1:9680 condor_restd:app

These commands will run the server on port 9680.

NOTE: Running the htcondor-restd as root is not recommended. This readme assumes that you are running the restd as the unprivileged user restd.


The RESTD is configured using HTCondor configuration; see the configuration section of the HTCondor manual for general configuration information. Note that RESTD-specific parameters are not listed in the manual yet.

If you do not have permission to edit global HTCondor configuration, you may configure the RESTD in one of two ways, as described in the Ordered Evaluation to Set the Configuration section of the HTCondor manual:

  1. Adding the options to the user configuration file for the user running the restd, in $HOME/.config/user_config (or the location defined by USER_CONFIG_FILE). This is recommended for non-container installs.

  2. Using the _CONDOR_* environment variables. For example, set the value for RESTD_MAX_JOBS by setting the environment variable _CONDOR_RESTD_MAX_JOBS. This is recommended for container installs.

The following HTCondor configuration values apply:

  • CONDOR_HOST: The hostname of the HTCondor central manager.
  • RESTD_HIDE_JOB_ATTRS: A comma or space-separated list of job attributes to redact from queries. Attributes in this list will show the value <REDACTED> in the jobs and history endpoints.
  • RESTD_MAX_JOBS: The maximum number of jobs returned for jobs, grouped_jobs, history, and grouped_history queries.


The following queries are implemented. Arguments in brackets {} are optional:

jobs and history

Access job information (similar to condor_q and condor_history). jobs and history behave exactly the same, except jobs queries jobs in the queue, and history queries jobs that have left the queue.

GET /v1/jobs/{schedd}{/clusterid}{?projection,constraint}
GET /v1/history/{schedd}{/clusterid}{?projection,constraint}

Returns a list of job objects. A job object looks like

  "jobid": "123.45",
  "classad": { <classad> }

Returns an empty list if no jobs match.

schedd is the name of the schedd to query, or DEFAULT to use the default schedd (if there is one). Raises 404 if the schedd does not exist.

clusterid limits the results to jobs with the given cluster ID.

projection is one or more comma-separated attributes; if specified, only those attributes will be in the classad object of each job.

constraint is a classad expression restricting which jobs to include in the result.

GET /v1/jobs/{schedd}/{clusterid}/{procid}{?projection}
GET /v1/history/{schedd}/{clusterid}/{procid}{?projection}

Returns a single job object with cluster ID given by clusterid and the proc ID given by procid. Raises 404 if no such job exists.

schedd is the name of the schedd to query, or DEFAULT to use the default schedd (if there is one). Raises 404 if the schedd does not exist.

projection is one or more comma-separated attributes; if specified, only those attributes will be in the classad object of the job.

GET /v1/jobs/{schedd}/{clusterid}/{procid}/{attribute}
GET /v1/history/{schedd}/{clusterid}/{procid}/{attribute}

Returns a single attribute of a job with cluster ID given by clusterid, proc ID given by procid, and attribute name given by attribute.

schedd is the name of the schedd to query, or DEFAULT to use the default schedd (if there is one). Raises 404 if the schedd does not exist.

Raises 404 if no such job exists, or if the attribute is undefined.

grouped_jobs and grouped_history

Like jobs and history, accesses job information. However, they group the returned jobs by an attribute.

grouped_jobs and grouped_history behave exactly the same, except grouped_jobs queries jobs in the queue, and grouped_history queries jobs that have left the queue.

GET /v1/grouped_jobs/{schedd}/{groupby}{/clusterid}{?projection,constraint}
GET /v1/grouped_history/{schedd}/{groupby}{/clusterid}{?projection,constraint}

Returns an object of lists of job objects, keyed by the value of the attribute given in groupby. A job object looks like:

  "jobid": "123.45",
  "classad": { <classad> }

The returned object looks like:

  "value1": [ <job objects> ],
  "value2": [ <job objects> ]

Returns an empty object if no jobs match. Jobs that do not have the attribute given in groupby are omitted from the result. (This is because null is not a valid key.)

schedd is the name of the schedd to query, or DEFAULT to use the default schedd (if there is one). Raises 404 if the schedd does not exist.

clusterid limits the results to jobs with the given cluster ID.

projection is one or more comma-separated attributes; if specified, only those attributes, plus the groupby attribute, will be in the classad object of each job.

constraint is a classad expression restricting which jobs to include in the result.


Access config information (similar to condor_config_val).

GET /v1/config{/attribute}{?daemon}

If attribute is specified, returns the value of the specific attribute in the condor config. If not specified, returns an object of the form:

  "attribute1": "value1",
  "attribute2": "value2",

If daemon is specified, query the given running daemon; otherwise, query the static config files.

Returns 404 if attribute is specified but the attribute is undefined.


Access machine and daemon information (similar to condor_status).

GET /v1/status{/name}{?projection,constraint,query}

This returns an array of objects of the following form:

  "name": "<name classad attribute>",
  "type": "<ad type>",
  "classad": { <classad object> }

name is a specific host or slot to query. If not specified, all matching ads are returned.

query is the type of ad to query; see the "Query options" in the condor_status(1) manpage. "any" is the default.

projection is one or more comma-separated attributes; if specified, only those attributes will be in the classad object of each job.

constraint is a classad expression restricting which ads to include in the result.


Like status, accesses machine and daemon information. However, it groups the returned objects by a classad attribute.

GET /v1/grouped_status/{groupby}{/name}{?projection,constraint,query}

Returns an object of lists of status objects, keyed by the value of the attribute given in groupby. A status object looks like:

  "name": "<name classad attribute>",
  "type": "<ad type>",
  "classad": { <classad object> }

The returned object looks like:

  "value1": [ <status objects> ],
  "value2": [ <status objects> ]

Returns an empty object if nothing matches. Status objects that do not have the classad attribute given in groupby are omitted from the result. (This is because null is not a valid key.)

name is a specific host or slot to query. If not specified, all matching ads are returned.

query is the type of ad to query; see the "Query options" in the condor_status(1) manpage. "any" is the default.

projection is one or more comma-separated attributes; if specified, only those attributes, plus the groupby attribute, will be in the classad object of each job.

constraint is a classad expression restricting which ads to include in the result.


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  • Python 89.6%
  • Makefile 4.7%
  • Shell 4.0%
  • Dockerfile 1.7%