2016-10-16 Fix release issue (Christian Bongiorno)
2016-10-16 #163 JSR 303 bean validation support (remmeier)
2016-10-16 #95 Improve logging in case of exceptions (remmeier)
2016-10-15 Send Accept header on client API calls (#120) (Remo)
2016-10-15 QueryParams Adhere to JSON API spec (#162) (Christian Bongiorno)
2016-10-12 #149 IncludeLookupSetter has n+1 loading issues (#156) (GitHub)
2016-10-10 #113: json api compliant parameter handling (Remo)
2016-10-10 #26 jsonapi client relation fix (Remo)
2016-10-07 Provide a much more useful error message. recommend a more robust bean utility class (Christian Bongiorno)
2016-10-07 #15 JPA adapter cleanup (#152) (GitHub)
2016-10-06 #15 JPA adapter (#151) (GitHub)
2016-10-06 #15 JPA adapter cleanup (remmeier)
2016-10-06 #23 Understanding Pagination Implementation (#150) (GitHub)
2016-10-06 #15 JPA adapter extensibility (#145) (GitHub)
2016-10-05 #146 - Respond with a 404 for endpoints that do not exist within KatharsisServlet module (#147) (GitHub)
2016-10-04 #15 jpa module (Remo)
2016-10-04 coverage (Remo)
2016-10-04 test random failure fix (Remo)
2016-10-04 sonar cleanup (Remo)
2016-10-04 #15 pagination link computation for JPA adapter (Remo)
2016-10-03 sonar (Remo)
2016-10-03 sonar cleanup (Remo)
2016-10-03 #140 UriInfoServiceUrlProvider not working (Remo)
2016-10-03 #139 fix for PropertyException can lead to stackoverflow (Remo)
2016-10-03 #137 Support default pagination (Remo)
2016-09-28 #135 - Fix meta information annotation bug (#136) (GitHub)
2016-09-27 fixed compilation problem (Patryk Orwat)
2016-09-26 #126 - Add support for polymorphic relationships in POST, PATCH, and GET (#127) (GitHub)
2016-09-26 simpler annotation processing for querydsl (Zoltán Reegn)
2016-09-25 From the maven docs for deploy:deploy: Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: deploy. (remmeier)
2016-09-25 sonar/coverage cleanup (remmeier)
2016-09-25 #110 Add support of new query params to annotated repositories (remmeier)
2016-09-25 remove deploy lifecycle binding from parent pom (Zoltán Reegn)
2016-09-24 Fix to-many relationships in JPAModule (#129) (Remo)
2016-09-24 #15 JPAModule many-relation fix (remmeier)
2016-09-22 Fix to-many relationships in JPAModule (Zoltan Reegn)
2016-09-21 compile fix (remmeier)
2016-09-21 #15 JPA adapter (remmeier)
2016-09-15 Ensure KatharsisFilter is applied last, since it prevents the rest of the filters from running (PJ Weisberg)
2016-09-12 vert.x review (Patryk Orwat)
2016-09-10 #113 Add ability for katharsis to parse query parameters that adhere to the JSON-API (GitHub)
2016-09-09 Added katharsis vertx and katharsis vertx example (Ioan Eugen Stan)
2016-09-07 #15 JPA adapter #114 (remmeier)
2016-09-07 #15 JPA adapter (remmeier)