Fullstack web application to generate 2 random numbers between 1 and 5.
Technical requirements for this challenge:
use the JavaScript framework (for Front-end and Back-end) to build the solution
create a place in the Front-end to display 2 numbers that will be generated
display a button to start the generator
display the numbers obtained by the Back-end in the place provided in the Frontend
display a CSS animation of your choice: if the numbers are different (example 1 and 5)
display a CSS animation of your choice: if the two digits match (example: 5 and 5)
numbers must be generated randomly by the Back-end
save all the results obtained in the Back-End (in memory). Don't use the database!
retrieve from the Back-End the list of results obtained and display them on the screen
The solution is built with Node.js (NODE-CACHE) et Express.js for the Back-end and React.js for Front-end.
React | Express.js | Node.js